to store water in filter – squeeze some water through the filter which will fill it with water. Don’t shake the water out, just leave it
I always shake the water out of the filter and it’s never clogged for me
What I’ve read is worst for clogging a filter, is to put bleach into hard water and back flush (or forward flush) through the filter and either leave it in the filter or shake it out (which leaves the hollow tubes full of water). The bleach reacts with the minerals in the hard water and forms a mineral precipitate which clogs up the pores. Then you have to use vinegar or CLR to dissolve the minerals.
I just backflush with tap water (which has chlorine in it), shake the water out, and call it good. I have soft water.
The hollow tubes in the filter are small diameter. You can’t shake the water out of them. There will always be water in them. I suppose you could use high pressure air to blow the water out, but why?