I’ve finished my hexpeak inner today. It was a long journey.. It was more difficult then I thought but the result is OK. I made some stupid mistakes in the zipper etc. But they al function.
The peak is open and has 5 loops and I made a pole cup with 5 small loops. With this I can adjust the height of the tent. In case I need to pitch the tarp lower.
The bathtub floor has a 4 inch height and is reinforced with carbon rods.
The height is about 160cm and the floor is 170*260cm
It has an inverted t zipper and mesh on the peak, the rest is made of 45gr/m2 ripstop. And the floor is a 10.000mm HH fabric. It’s not ultralight… It’s about 930gr and the tarp is 775.
I didn’t have a clear photos of the pole cup with adjustable height.
Now just some practice setting it up.. The inner is a bit too large for the the outer. Maybe setting the outer first and higher off the ground and then the inner. This may create more room for the inner.
Today I received my 12mm round carbon Fibre tube. It fits perfectly in my hiking pole. I just remove the last (thinnest) section and insert the carbon tube. I do this also with a secend pole and attach both poles together.
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