who has experience attaching a ULA strap pocket? I have an older ULA CDT and for the life of me I caanot clasp it. I’m trying to post pics but even that is confusing….lol. I’m not an idiot! Help. By the way ULA has not been much help
Does this not answer the question? Can you not figure out how to open the Slik Clip? You have to use finger pressure to lever the little tab up and out of it’s anchor point.
yes it is the snap portion of clasping. I see how it needs to fit. In the video, it is a “snap” but for some reason, I just cannot get it to clasp. Thanks…I think it is the pressure that I am not doing right. Thank you for your help. I was just going to Youtube it.
They are somewhat annoying, but the only thing of its kind that I know of, and extremely durable and secure once closed. I don’t understand why the company that makes gatekeeper buckles doesn’t make a 3/4” competitor. Of course you could cut part of a gatekeeper buckle off with a set of wire snips to make one yourself.
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