Looks very interesting, but unfortunately the site does not have complete ingredient lists, especially which items might have sugar added.
I see products there with some very high sugars numbers (eg 19g sugars) so that tells me the product ingredient list may not be complete.
If you have high sugar issues or are Type II diabetic, such foods are a problem since you don’t really know what’s in them. It’s very common for items like coconut and certain fruits (cranberries, blueberries, etc.) to have added sugar of course, but manufacturers commonly toss sugar into all kinds of spicy or other foods too.
Maybe these do and/or maybe they don’t, but I can’t really tell from the information given, and experience has taught me to always assume they do, because most food manufacturers, even of organic and vegan food, rarely consider sugar issues (despite 29 million Americans who have diabetes and ~86 million more with high blood sugar prediabetes – http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/statistics/cdc-infographic.html)
Outdoor Herbivore have great food and while some of their items do have sugar, it shows you the exact ingredient label right on the web site and on the package, so you know what you are buying. So does Good To-Go, the full ingredient list from the package label is right on the site.