Hey friends, happy Fri,
<div>Basically, I wanna do Grand Canyon end of October. I live in Atlanta.</div>
<div>Considering some of these options:</div>
<div>A. Basecamping +daily hikes?</div>
<div>B. Backpacking Rim to Rim?</div>
<div>C. Packrafting on Colorado (or a combo of these)?</div>
<div>D. Rent car after and drive and do something similar in UTAH</div>
<div>Im thinking its not that easy to do multi day by myself inside the canyon (as easy as say, Appalachian Trail, totally easy alone). Ive done backpacking but not this kind.</div>
<div>I wouldnt mind going with a group and I have found some group “expeditions” online but they aint cheap!</div>
<div class=”yj6qo ajU”>
<div id=”:qv” class=”ajR” tabindex=”0″ data-tooltip=”Show trimmed content”></div>
<div class=”ajR” tabindex=”0″ data-tooltip=”Show trimmed content”>Thought starters? :)</div>
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