I’m torn between buying a nice quilt for a few hundred $ or buying an old but well cared for 12 degree 700 fp (34 oz) down bag for $100 and cannibalizing it. Either I’ll cut it apart and sew it into a quilt, or take out the down and make myself a better 30 degree quilt and use the rest of the down to overstuff my FF pillow. My question is:
How much weight would I save if I bought new 800-850 fp down and used that instead to make my own quilt? How much is the differential in weight between 700 fp and 800/850 for say a 20-30 degree quilt?
If the down has been well cared for and washed regularly and dried appropriately does it matter that it’s almost a decade old?
How hard is it to create a vertical baffled quilt with attachments to convert it into a sleeping bag and a drawstring closure at the bottom?