
Good To-Go Meals – Recommendations?

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Home Forums General Forums Food, Hydration, and Nutrition Good To-Go Meals – Recommendations?

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    Kevin Babione
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pennsylvania

    I’ve been a major PackitGourmet snob since I discovered them and really haven’t carried another brand in my pack for almost 10 years.  I just received an email about the Good To-Go food and, quite frankly, I’m intrigued.  For anyone who has tried them, can you give me some feedback on:

    • How’s the taste and overall experience of eating the Good To-Go meals?
    • Is a 1-person meal filling for 1 person?
    • Any favorites?

    Thanks for your help!

    Chris FormyDuval
    BPL Member


    Locale: RTP

    I’ve tried the smoked three bean chili with caramelized onion. Not that flavorful and I’ve been requested by my hiking buddies to NEVER bring it again…..

    BPL Member


    ive been waiting to catch the risotto on sale for awhile now

    Kevin Babione
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pennsylvania

    @JJ – You’re in luck!  I’m not sure why I got the email from them, but there wasn’t anything in it that restricted it to me:

    Good To-Go Spring Sale

    The risotto looks like a winner…


    – I’ll stay away from the 3 bean chili – Thanks for the warning

    AK Granola
    BPL Member


    Packit Gourmet is def the tops. I haven’t tried Good to Go because the calorie-to-weight ratio was not so great. But taste matters too. Let us know how they are!

    BPL Member


    When they first came on the market I tried the 3 meals they offered.

    Mushroom Risotto – bland and boring.
    Smoked Three Bean Chili – hated the taste, not to mention “the effect”
    Thai Curry – Really liked this one and bought it several times.

    Looks like they have since significantly expanded their offerings, so cannot comment on those.  I haven’t carried a FD or commercially dehydrated meal in years, preferring DIY dehydration.

    Bob Kerner
    BPL Member


    I started with GtG, then went to Pack-It and won’t go back. As others have said, the stuff is just rather bland. Also my local REI was only carrying the two-serving sizes and it’s entirely too much food for me.



    Locale: The Cascades

    I tried the good to go meals years ago. They were okay, but I agree with most posters here. Also agree that the Thai Curry was the best of the bunch. I also liked the risotto, though it was a bit bland.

    I definitely enjoyed packit gourmet meals when i ate such things. Another i enjoyed lots, though expensive (but was worth it to me when i ate such things) was Heather’s Choice meals. Made by a company in Anchorage (a very small company when I first started using them), they were quite good and different from just about anyone else. Their menu has changed significantly since I use to order them (many of my favorites are no longer offered) but I wouldn’t doubt they’re still quite tasty.

    My favorite for the last few years is Next Mile Meals. While they are keto/low carb, they’re very tasty (and one could easily add carbs with tortillas and such). Some of them (especially the Italian Beef Marinara) are good enough to eat at home (as I’ve done before).

    Chris FormyDuval
    BPL Member


    Locale: RTP

    I like some of the packet gourmet (mostly the chili)  but don’t find myself ordering enough to make the shipping seem worthwhile. I’ve been using more peakrefuel lately, larger calorie amount makes splitting a better option on low calorie days or use singly on a big calorie day. Also like that they tend to need less water than some others.

    Kevin Babione
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pennsylvania

    Thanks all for your posts and suggestions.  I just saw Heather’s Choice in a blog posting as I was looking for a trail to do next weekend.  They look interesting as well.  It looks like the Next Mile Meals are having sourcing issues – only one or two of their items seem to currently be in stock.

    I have enough PackitGourmet here to get me through next weekend and will think about these for my trip at the end of April.  Thanks again!

    John B
    BPL Member


    Locale: western Colorado

    I have used Mary Janes Farm meals for 3+ years now, and love them–huge selection of vegetarian meals (which I am):

    Matthew / BPL


    Since we are all mentioning our favorite meals, I think both of the slaws from Food for the Sole are excellent. The Triple Peanut Slaw is particularly nice. It cold soaks quickly and is 178 cal/ounce. I crave vegetables when backpacking. This one hits me in my happy place.

    Kevin Babione
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pennsylvania

    @Matthew – Thanks for that suggestion.  I really like a protein salad for lunch (Packit’s Many Bean Salad is a favorite).  What can you tell me about the full versus taster (lunch) sizes?

    Matthew / BPL


    I can finish a full size one no problem. your could buy two and repackage into three ziplocks.

    Matthew / BPL


    I just noticed the cauliflower curry option. Fewer calories/ounce but it sounds nice. I may have to try that one.

    Mark Cashmere


    Locale: NEOH

    The G2G meals are a mixed bag for me. The Thai Curry is one of my favorite BP meals, but be aware there is some spice to it. I like the Mushroom Risotto, but I can see why others said it was bland (hot sauce helps). The Chili and the Bibimbap both suffer from being way over-seasoned. The Chowdah was on sale and sounded like it would be something I would like so I bought a few, but it was terrible to the point that I threw the last package away. A fellow hiker I met on the JMT was eating the Chicken Pho and gave it great reviews – it’s on my list to try. That’s it for the varieties I’ve had.

    BPL Member


    Locale: montana

    As a whole-food / plant-based vegan I’m alwyas on the prowl for good meals given I have more limited options (though it’s gotten MUCH better in recent years). I keep a notebook of my thoughts on various meals. My ranking system is 1-4 stars – here’s my ranking of Good To Go vegan meals:

    Herbed Mushroom Risotto – 2.5 Stars. Just Ok.

    Smoked Three Bean Chili – 2.5 Stars. Meh.

    Thai Curry – 4 Stars. Excellent.

    Pad Thai – 1 Star. Yuk.

    Classic Marinara – 4 Stars. Excellent.

    Mexican Quinoa Bowl – 4 Stars. Excellent.

    Bibimbap – 3 Stars. Very Good.

    Kale & White Bean Stew – 2.5 Stars. Meh. Needs seasoning and LESS H2O.

    Indian Vegetable Korma. 4 Stars. NOT VEGAN. Ate it before I realized it was just vegetarian. But if you don’t have my proclivities, it’s excellent.



    Dunstan Orchard
    BPL Member


    I’m vegan. I spent last week in the Sierras eating packets from

    We had which was very nice, but I really fell in love with The biscuits in it are great. I even ate one the first night we got home because I liked it so much :)

    Matthew / BPL


    I’m very excited to try Food for the Sole’s Mushroom Biscuits and Gravy on a trip next week. 157 calories/ounce! I will try to remember to report back here.

    Sarah Kirkconnell
    BPL Member


    Locale: Homesteading On An Island In The PNW

    I know this post was months ago…but I was not enthralled with the brand. To small portions. Risotto wasn’t great to me. Maybe I am picky. It was just…bland. It gave me a niacin flush from the nooch added. I reviewed it back in 2020 on the blog.

    BPL Member


    Locale: Mid Atlantic

    Anyone recommend any gluten free meals? I have tried the Pack-it Gourmet Tortilla Soup and the Backpackers Pantry Three Sisters Stew and they are both good, but looking for more GF options.

    Matthew / BPL


    I love Food for the Sole’s biscuits and gravy and triple peanut coleslaw. Both highly recommended and I am neither vegan nor do I eat gluten-free. I’m pretty sure all of their products are GF.

    Sarah Kirkconnell
    BPL Member


    Locale: Homesteading On An Island In The PNW

    Wild Zora for the win on being GF. They are meat, veggies and flavor. That’s it. Serve over instant rice – which is 100% GF if you buy name brand (Minute Rice). Or make your own meals by buying freeze-dried meat, veggies and cheese. I’ve got a ton of recipes I developed this past year that are 100% GF and no grains/rice added (you can of course serve with that for more calories).

    BPL Member


    Locale: Mid Atlantic

    @matthew K, Thanks! Some of those look interesting. I’m not vegan either so I could always add some pre-cooked bacon or spam or tuna or olive oil to some to boost the calories.

    Sarah Kirkconnell
    BPL Member


    Locale: Homesteading On An Island In The PNW

    Yes, they are GF. However….if you have food allergies avoid anything with pea protein isolate added (of which they use in that meal). Pea protein is made nearly always with the entire pea pod – they are field peas, not green peas. The shell is ground up as well, which carries all the pesticides and fertilizers used on the crop. The only “good” pea protein is made soley from the peas, but it’s very pricey. Anyhow, pea protein can react in those who have peanut allergies. Just an FYI.

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