
Garmin Mini Data Question

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Home Forums General Forums General Lightweight Backpacking Discussion Garmin Mini Data Question

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    Adam Salinger
    BPL Member


    So…I’m doing some beta testing on using three different tracking methods  when in the field in terms of accuracy, ease and battery life.

    Those three are:
    –The Workoutdoors App that I use with my Apple Watch and IPhone
    –The CalTopo App which I prefer to Gaia
    –My InReach Mini

    I was on the southern section of the Lost Coast last weekend (empty of people) and ran all three.  I got some interesting results.  One thing I learned is that my InReach needs to be set to track at a rate of 1 second..otherwise it doesn’t capture the true track.  When I was set for anything over 1 second…the other two methods were spot on and the Mini always had less mileage.

    But here is my question…
    When I sync my Mini with Explorer, it doesn’t give me anywhere near the amount or type of information I’m looking for in the Track Summary.  After about an hour with Garmin Support (never love them much)…I was told I needed to download their Basecamp software to be able to access this info….ug…another step?    Anyway…the software is Garmin and the help videos and manual are not very  intuitive.  Do I really need to take this step?  Can I really not get comparable information to the other two sources with either the Earthmate App or from my Explorer page when synced?  If not…Basecamp didn’t work.  When I try to transfer data from my device it doesn’t show any information on the device at all.  I never cleared tracks from the device.

    Just want this to be easy.  When I bought the Mini I was led to believe I would have the same capability as tracking on my phone but with much better battery life.  Right now…it’s looking like all the Mini will actually do for me is communicate.  That’s a good thing for sure….but I communicate only in emergencies and not to chat or check in…..Meaning I probably would have looked at another communication device on the market instead had I know of what I perceive the Mini limitations to be.

    I’m frustrated.  I’ve spent a lot of time learning…a lot of money…and I’m still not where I want to be.  Easy tracking that gives a wide range of data during and after the hike with the least battery life used.  Plus…emergency communication.



    Rex Sanders
    BPL Member


    I’ve found inReach 15-minute to 1-hour tracking useful for:

    – Logging which trails and campsites I used, since I don’t always stick to plan (shocking!)

    Overviews of track and elevation changes after a fair amount of text editor bashing on GPX files.

    – Letting my wife automatically know where I am and where I’ve been, aka peace of mind at home or permission ticket :-)

    – Giving rescuers a good idea of where I might be if I can’t activate SOS (not used yet, thank goodness.)

    Plus point weather forecasts (not Garmin’s) and routine and emergency communications in areas with no cell coverage.

    Agreed that Garmin’s requirement for several apps plus a non-intuitive web site is beyond stupid.

    Seems like the inReach mini is not a good match for your detailed tracking needs.

    — Rex

    Mike W
    BPL Member


    Locale: British Columbia

    A 1 sec. track interval is what you want to use for the detailed tracks on the inReach.  That is comparable to most Garmin handheld GPS units (when they are set on Auto).

    The Explore app (your Explore web page) is for live display of your position and data interchange (used for moving GPS tracks and waypoints to and from your devices).

    The Garmin Basecamp app is used to store, analyze and create data.  Basecamp is the Cadillac and the Explore app is a dumbed down display app.

    Basecamp is complicated but it has to be, because it’s Garmin’s primary application for managing all location data, so it handles data from all of Garmin’s  GPS’s, Activity trackers, Garmin Maps, and the inReach devices.

    A bit of a learning curve but definitely worth learning.   I use it to edit tracks, plan routes and store and compare data. I upload the Basecamp data to the Explore App when I need to load the data onto my inReach.

    The images below are of the same trip (same track and waypoint data).   In the Explore app (Explore Web Page), the track appears as simple data with limited details.  The same data exported from the Explore app and imported into Basecamp provides much more detail.   Lots of analysis if that is what you are looking for.

    Explore App



    Locale: The Cascades

    I don’t mean to hijack the thread, but I would be interested to know if any Mac users are using Basecamp, the majority of reviews on the App Store are quite negative.

    Kelly C
    BPL Member


    Don’t have anything to help you with your specific problem, but I do agree with you that Garmin support is the worst!

    Sandy Hilton
    BPL Member


    Locale: PNW

    Tracking – there re two related but distinct purposes. If you want accurate data after you have completed a route then yes, your device needs to be pinging a satellite every second. Your phone can do that and many activity watches can do that. A key point here is that those devices re not sending anything to the satellites, they are only receiving a signal and storing the data locally.

    The second type of tracking is live tracking where your device (InReach mini) is both receiving and sending a signal to the satellite. This allows Garmin to display a near live track of your route for your friends, family and potential rescuers.

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