
FREE screenings of the film "Unsupported" – FKT's on the John Muir Trail

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Home Forums General Forums Speed Hiking and Fastpacking FREE screenings of the film "Unsupported" – FKT's on the John Muir Trail

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    Allen C
    BPL Member


    See next post for details!

    Allen C
    BPL Member


    I’ve been working on this film for the last 3 years, with Jason Fitzpatrick from the Muir Project – and it is finally ready for prime time! We premiered at the sold out Switchback Showcase a few weeks ago, and the crowd really seemed to enjoy it.

    I am very excited to announce that we will be doing 3 FREE screenings at REI stores in the SF Bay area in June. Dates and links to reserve your seats are below. We don’t have a trailer yet, but as soon as we do I’ll post a link to that as well.

    Tickets are free but must be reserved in advance as space is limited. Get em while you still can!

    June 26 – REI San Francisco:…/unsupported-fast…/san-francisco/204264

    June 27 – REI San Carlos:…/unsupported-fastest…/san-carlos/204265

    June 28 – REI Berkeley…/unsupported-fastest-k…/berkeley/204266

    For any of these screenings, click on the link and then click the Green “REGISTER” button on the right side, below the generic hiking photo. There is a nice description of the film at the links above as well.

    Please feel free to forward to any friends who may be interested!

    Hope to see some of you there! I will be at all of them for sure and Jason will hopefully be there as well to answer any questions afterwards. Also appearing in the film (in no particular order): Andrew Bentz, Brett Maune, Amber Monforte Weibel, Gavin Woody, Ralph Burgess, Catra Corbett, Peter Bakwin, Buzz Burrell, and the always entertaining Reinhold Metzger.

    Ito Jakuchu
    BPL Member


    Locale: Japan

    Sorry I can’t make it – sounds like something I’d love to see.

    Allen C
    BPL Member


    Thanks Ito, I guess it is a bit far for you to travel! So far we are only planning local screenings here in CA, but there will be a way to watch it online eventually. I’ll let you know when it becomes available. I hope you are having some great adventures of your own!




    See you in SF

    Allen C
    BPL Member


    Awesome Rene, see you there!

    Ryan Smith
    BPL Member


    Locale: East TN

    Definitely post here when it’s available online. CA is a little far for me, but I would love to see it.


    Allen C
    BPL Member


    Just a reminder for those in the SF Bay Area – the shows are this week! There are plenty of spots left at the San Carlos screening but tickets for Berkeley and SF are almost gone (Only 6 and 11 remaining as of right now). I’ll be at all 3 shows to answer any questions etc and hope to see some of there. Sign up links are in the post above.

    If you live in the South Bay or have friends/family there, please help spread the word so we can have a full house at San Carlos too! Thanks!!!


    Allen C
    BPL Member


    Update: Berkeley show is now sold out, only 8 seats left at SF show! Should be fun!!!!


    d k
    BPL Member


    We’re looking forward to the Berkeley show.  Even though speed hiking is the opposite of my sort of thing, I’m looking forward to seeing a different viewpoint.

    Allen C
    BPL Member


    dk – glad to hear it! We definitely tried to include a “hike your own hike” perspective and at least a little bit of what draws people to go for FKT’s etc. In the end it’s all just different ways to enjoy the wilderness and no one way is better than another. Hopefully the film gets some of that across. Thanks for coming out with an open mind and I look forward to meeting you there!

    BTW, the SF show is nearly sold out so if anyone is thinking about going, now is the time to grab your tickets!

    BPL Member


    I signed up for the San Carlos screening.  looking forward to this!

    Allen C
    BPL Member



    I’ll see you there tonight – make sure to introduce yourself either before or after! Rene, great meeting you at the SF show last night, we had a great turnout and lots of great questions from the audience – everyone really seemed to enjoy it which makes me really happy :)

    There is still plenty of room at the San Carlos show tonight at 7pm so come on out!

    SIGN UP HERE!!!!

    d k
    BPL Member


    We thoroughly enjoyed the presentation tonight at Berkeley!  The film was interesting and often quite funny (depictions of hallucinating speed hikers, or ridiculously exhausted ones, apparently hit everyone’s funny bone).  It moved quickly, not unlike its subjects – I was surprised it was over so quickly.  It was great to get faces put with some of the names I’ve read on FKT reports.

    Nice to see Casey and Emily there, too, as well as meeting you, Allen!

    Allen C
    BPL Member


    Thanks dk! Great meeting you last night, and glad you enjoyed it! And thanks to all who came out for one of the screenings! We had a full house and a really great crowd at Berkeley last night. It was really cool to see how much people enjoyed the film that we put together. Jason Fitzpatrick was there as well and a bunch of people recognized him from “Mile, Mile and a Half” – which is the best JMT film ever made and maybe the best hiking film as well – definitely go watch it if you haven’t seen it.

    This film was my idea, inspired in part by the crazy stories I read in trip reports here on BPL from Brett Maune and others – but Jason did all the editing and painstakingly took hours and hours of interview footage and shaky gopro shots and expertly crafted it into a story that flows well and looks professional, which I never would have been able to do by myself. It turns out making a film is pretty easy these days, but making a GOOD film is still really hard and takes a lot of knowledge and skill that don’t come in the package when you buy a GoPro.

    It was great meeting all of you from BPL and sharing this thing that we worked on for so long! Next screening is going to be at the Switchback Showcase in Lincoln, CA on August 17, and there are some SoCal screenings in the works but no dates scheduled yet – stay tuned for more details.

    Kevin B


    Locale: Western New Mexico, USA

    ETA on internet screenings for us not in Cali?

    Allen C
    BPL Member


    Likely this fall/winter, but no date at this point…

    Casey Bowden
    BPL Member


    Locale: Berkeley Hills

    +1 DK

    Show and questions/answers after was great.

    Minor issue, those of us who don’t hear so well would greatly benefit from subtitles.

    d k
    BPL Member


    +2 on the subtitles; my guy had trouble understanding some of the words also, and remarked afterwards that he could have used subtitles.

    Allen C
    BPL Member


    Thanks for the feedback – I’ll see if adding subtitles is feasible. I think the issue may have been more that the room was very full (and a bit rowdy!), and the “sound system” was just one speaker in the middle of the room – so there were a number of times that laughter from the crowd spilled over the dialog making it hard to hear. This was not an issue at any of the other screenings that we have done, and should not be an issue when (eventually) watching it online at home or in a theater with a real sound system. Unfortunately places like REI typically don’t have great sounds systems, but they do let us show it for free so we don’t have to charge you to see it!

    Allen C
    BPL Member


    Update: “Unsupported” has been selected as one of 8 short films to go on tour in the Trail Running Film Festival. Here is the list of films and trailer – there are a couple scenes from the film in the trailer, see if you can pick them out…

    There are about 40 dates all across the US, so you can catch it in a city near you. Should be a good time! Link to dates and tickets below:

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