
Feel Free To Critique My Gear List!

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  • #3784009
    Mustard Tiger
    BPL Member


    Locale: West Coast

    This is my current set-up for most 2-3 season trips here in Northern California, and possibly a Colorado Trail thru-hike next summer. I’m tall and thin but not skinny at 6’2″ tall and float between 195 lbs-205 lbs. I used to have a base weight under 10lbs, but as I get older I find myself valuing things like staying warmer, having a more comfortable sleeping pad, having a larger shelter, etc.

    Of course if it’s just a quick overnight trip I can shed some weight; if no rain is likely I can leave the rain pants at home, during the summer leave the mid-later at home, etc. Weight would be added if I was in an area where I’d have to carry a bear can.

    I did go back and forth between the X-Mid 1 and 2, but for a very negligible weight difference ended up with the 2-person Pro. Being tall with broad shoulders I’m sure I’ll appreciate the 2 (Have been previously crammed into an old Integral Designs Sit Shelter and just got the X-Mid 2Pro last week). Also upgraded to a large Thermarest (long, wide) after previously using 6 sections of a Z-Rest for years that just covered my shoulders and hips, and upgraded to a quilt over an old down REI bag I’ve been using.

    I should also explain the two types of water purification…I am carrying both a BeFree and AquaMira. In the past I’ve only used AquaMira and pre-filtered with a bandana rubber-banded around the opening of my bottle. That always worked out great, but takes time to treat, and am intrigued with the current filters (Sawyer Squeeze, Platypus and Katadyn Be Free). Was originally going to go with a Sawyer Squeeze, but for nearly the same weight as a Sawyer Squeeze, a couple spare gaskets, coupler and a water bag I can carry the BeFree, AquaMira and (2) water bottles. I could simply just carry the BeFree of course, but like the redundancy carrying the Aqua Mira as a back-up, especially after having had Giardia in the past (was my fault, drank untreated water). As I use the BeFree more I may decide to leave the AquaMira at home.

    I am also considering ditching the cup/mug portion of the Snow Peak set and just carrying the 750ml pot. I love my alcohol stove, but can’t carry those in California (lame). Used it for years when I lived in Colorado and loved it. I have a first-get Pocket Rocket, but it doesn’t fit in the 750ml pot (it’s too wide). I’ve had the stove since it was released in 2005 and it’s treated me well, so I upgraded to the Deluxe, which fits on the 750ml pot and relegated the original to my car camping cap kitchen bin as a backup.

    There’s no knife listed, that’s because I always have a small Victorinox Swiss Army knife in my pocket.

    I absolutely could have shed some weight with a regular width quilt, shorter pad and smaller shelter, but as I get older I decided they were worth it to be more comfortable.

    So feel free to give any feedback and suggestions on things that you would add, get rid of, improve on, etc.


    BPL Member


    I’m not gonna critique your list, but I will agree with you about the larger pad and shelter!! I love my bed at home, so the larger pad and slightly larger shelter make up for not having it in the wilderness!! Hence for 3 seasons I prefer my tarp also.. More open space and less confine.

    Mustard Tiger
    BPL Member


    Locale: West Coast

    I’m not gonna critique your list, but I will agree with you about the larger pad and shelter!! I love my bed at home, so the larger pad and slightly larger shelter make up for not having it in the wilderness!! Hence for 3 seasons I prefer my tarp also.. More open space and less confine.

    Yes, the days of suffering to save a n extra 1-1.5lbs are most likely over for me. My reasons and rationale these days are a better nights sleep trumps suffering for the weight savings. A more restful sleep night after night will yield dividends in a multi-day trip or thru-hike, and think that’s worth the weight penalty.

    Mustard Tiger
    BPL Member


    Locale: West Coast

    Mods, please delete. Started thread with link to more accurate list.

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