I’ve seen this before, but never posted about it. How can a thread just disappear?
The other day I had read, and in fact posted a reply to, a thread about proper tent orientation. I wanted to go back to that thread because it had some interesting diagrams. Can’t find it anywhere now. Don’t see my reply as part of my content. The thread shows up in a search…
… but if you click the link you get the “Oops! Looks like our GPS took you a bit off-trail. Sorry about that!” message.
And, now that I remember, I recall that the forum page crashed while I was typing my reply. Had to reload the website, go back to the thread, and start typing my reply all over. For what it is worth, I’ve had that annoying experience before…
Hey Brian. The thread was in the trash. I’m not sure how that happened but it is certainly possible that I clicked a button by accident. I believe I have restored the thread properly and I see your post is in it.
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