
DCF Tent for a tall guy

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Home Forums Gear Forums Gear (General) DCF Tent for a tall guy

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  • #3827457
    BPL Member


    Good morning,

    I am about 6’4 and 240 lbs, 65 years old, and looking for a tent I would fit in comfortably. I am using a Rapide SL 25×78 slepping mat, and sometimes a long quilt. I would prefer a a single pole shelter, since I want to use it also on bicycle trips. Does anybody have some recommendation I should look into? Tarptent Rainbow maybe? Does Zpacks has something that would fit?
    Thanks for your help


    Terran Terran
    BPL Member


    Consider Ultra for a slightly wider tent. A new one I saw yesterday from TarpTent. Not DCF but looks roomy.


    BPL Member


    Thanks, what do you mean by “Ultra”?

    Terran Terran
    BPL Member


    Ultra is a similar fabric to DCF. A little heavier. A little cheaper. The fabric is wider allowing for slightly wider tents. Not longer, but if you sleep at a diagonal, it may help.</p>

    JG H
    BPL Member


    I can’t think of a single-pole shelter that would work unless you want to bear the weight of a pyramid and inner.

    If you’re willing to consider a two-pole DCF tent…

    The Durston X-Mid Pro 2 or 2+ should work for you if you’re willing to sleep diagonally. The Zpacks Offset Solo or Offset Duo should also work (the Duo would just be a little roomier) and, based on the dimensions, you shouldn’t have to sleep on a diagonal. You could fit in a Zpacks Altaplex, but if you are claustrophobic at all, or prefer wiggle room, that choice may not make you a happy camper.

    My brother is 6’4″ tall, too, and I just went through this exercise trying to find a tent for him for his birthday. I bought him the X Mid Pro 2, but he hasn’t pitched it yet so I can’t say how well he fits. I was going to go with the Offset Solo b/c Zpacks had a few on sale but they’re gone now.

    Also, the carbon poles for those tents are inexpensive and light. Having to carry a second would mean you’re only adding about 3oz and the extra room to carry it, too, would be nominal at best.

    Henry Shires / Tarptent
    BPL Member


    Locale: Upper Sierra Foothills - Gold Rush Country

    There are 3D spinning models for the Rainbow Li and all other models in the Tarptent product pages. Scroll down the page and click the “Usable Volume” tab. The model for the Rainbow Li is 6′ but you can visually add 2in to the sitting up (and 4in to the lying down) views to get a good sense of how it would (and does) fit you.  The Dipole Li is another good option for your size although it is a dual trekking (or alternate) pole tent. We show that one with a 6’6″ person inside.

    baja bob
    BPL Member


    Locale: West

    I have a Locus Gear Hapi in the Grande size (1 ft longer than regular size). 120″ x 70″ x 55″ tall. I am 6’4″ Plenty of room. You can use a full inner net, get a half inner net, no net or us a bivy.

    Dan @ Durston Gear
    BPL Member


    Locale: Canadian Rockies

    “The Durston X-Mid Pro 2 or 2+ should work for you if you’re willing to sleep diagonally…My brother is 6’4″ tall….I bought him the X Mid Pro 2…I can’t say how well he fits.”

    He should have lots of room on the ‘long diagonal’ because the unique floor shape creates an extra long diagonal. We have lots of people up to 7’0″ that are happy like that. Even sleeping straight should work pretty well but is near the upper limit. The X-Mid Pro 2 and Pro 2+ are our longest tents when sleeping on the diagonal, but the X-Mid Pro 1 is our longest tent sleeping straight because it has steeper end walls. The Pro 1 is 90″ long (7.5 feet) even at 12″ off the ground (longer than almost all other 1P tents).

    If you want a single pole tent, that will have more inward slope on the walls by virtue of only having one pole. but there are some that should work (e.g. Zpacks Altaplex).

    Todd T
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pacific Northwest

    I’m 6’5″, 205lb, a month away from 65 years old.  The Tarptent Dipole 1 Li is the most tall-friendly one-man tent I’ve ever tried.  Takes two poles though, plus the tiny “built in” ones at the ends.  I’ve used it both with 20″ and 25″ mattresses; both work but of course it’s a little more crowded with the 25″.  I’m a happy camper.

    I also have an older TT Rainbow (circa 2009), which works but not quite as well.

    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern California

    Todd, that IS a sweet looking tent by Tarptent. I’m sold on the Notch Li, because I’m only 5′ 8′ and not at all claustrophobic. But this dipole might change my mind….

    BPL Member


    Thank you for all your Input. I’ll do some reading and watching and see which one I’ll get.


    Terran Terran
    BPL Member


    I think Ryan did a review on the Dipole. If I didn’t already have a TT SS Li, I may have gotten one. I think ZPacks carbon poles were about $34 on GGG. Pretty light and they fold down to less than a foot.

    BPL Member


    Locale: montana

    I also have an older TT Rainbow (circa 2009), which works but not quite as well.

    I love my TT Rainbow Li. I’ve often thought it would work well for a relatively tall person. For a single pole bike tent for @Roland I can’t think of better.

    George W
    BPL Member


    I’m 6’3″ and now 69 years old.

    I have an XMid Pro 2 and an Altaplex, I have plenty of room in both.  I gave the XMid to my son because he got married and needed a bigger tent.  The Altaplex has all the room I need, and the XMid 1 wasn’t in existence yet. I gave my son my Kakwa 40L too, but kept my 55L.

    BPL Member



    interesting that you would fit in an Altaplex. What kind of mattress are you using?

    George W
    BPL Member


    The Altaplex was designed for tall people, all pads I’ve used fit, along with all my gear inside.

    BPL Member


    Locale: montana

    (63 yo / 5’10” long in the torso / 140 lbs) – In January I ordered both the Zpack Pivot Solo, and Altaplex. I tried them both sitting on a 3″ Thermarest pad. I found the Pivot Solo felt slightly roomier. I didn’t brush my head on the ceiling of the Pivot Solo sitting up, whereas I did in the Altaplex.

    I feel the usable length of the two seems about the same, but I did NOT employ the end pullouts on the Altaplex, so I have to believe it would be slightly longer – theoretically – though I sort of fail to see they would make a huge difference – could be wrong there. The tall mesh end panel of the Pivot allows you to really scrunch up to that end without touching the ceiling, and I prefer my head on that end. Mids lose a lot of their theoretical space due to their steeply sloping ceilings, creating a tight pinch point at the feet, head, and shoulders when sitting up.

    If the Altaplex was the only one available, I would happily choose that, however for a 1 ounce weight penalty of the small 32″ carbon pole required to create the Pivot, I went with the Pivot Solo – I just don’t like the interior feel of mids, and prefer the L-shaped door, zipped vestibule, and lower pitch of the Pivot Solo. It also requires fewer pegs to pitch. I know it’s not quite “technically” a 1 pole tent, but it’s close enough as it takes only one trekking pole which was my criteria also – I don’t do two trekking poles, but rather use a single staff.

    I can’t claim to know which would work for a guy your size, but I’d suggest you order both and try them both. I paid the extra to be able to return either post/hassle free. I did take care to set them up on a piece of Tyvek to preserve them both in new condition when putting them up outside. It became very clear to me I preferred the Pivot Solo.

    However, for general backpacking, and if I still bike toured, I’d think long and hard about the TT Rainbow Li or Rainbow 2P Li. More interior spaciousness than either the Altaplex or Pivot Solo, simple to pitch, and meets your criteria of a one pole design, while still being very light.

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