
Cuben Hybrid or similar for backpack

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Home Forums Gear Forums Make Your Own Gear Cuben Hybrid or similar for backpack

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  • #3401991
    BPL Member


    Hello all!

    Last year I made a little silnylon tent which I’m really happy with. Now it’s time for a backpack.

    I’m looking at materials and I really can’t make up my mind. The cuben hybrid seems really hard to get your hands on too. The bag I want to make is kind of similar to the HMG Windrider 3400. I really like that white material (50D Dyneema®/Poly hybrid white). Extremtextile had a cuben hybrid for a while but are now saying that they don’t stock it any longer. Does anyone know of a place in europe?

    I also got some samples on tyvek from extremtextile and the hard structure is definitely strong enough but I’m pretty sure it would wear quite quickly?

    Appreciate any help!

    Jan Rezac
    BPL Member


    Locale: Prague, CZ

    If you want to buy the material in Europe, extremtextil has the DP X-pac laminates.  I’d use VX07 (165 g/sqm), they have also the lighter VX03 (140 g/sqm) but the small weight saving is in my opinion not worth the loss of durability. You can also use the dyneema gridstop they also sell (140 and 120 g/sqm), the fabrics is lighter and easier to work with because it is softer. The advantage of the X-pac is the true and permanent waterproofness.


    BPL Member


    Thank you so much for clarifying a few things! Much appreciated! X-pac should definitely be an alternative I need to consider.

    What’s your opinion on hard structured Tyvek? Bound to break? Seems really really strong tbh.

    BPL Member


    Found this Japanese UL tent in Tyvek so can’t be all that bad?

    BPL Member


    Also, I guess I don’t HAVE to buy it from Europe so what American companies/websites would you recommend for dyneema/cuben hybrid alternately x-pac?

    Thanks again!

    Jan Rezac
    BPL Member


    Locale: Prague, CZ

    I won’t use tyvek, while it may look strong (stiff), it does not have the right properties for a backpack, it abrades easier than any PES or nylon fabrics and it would be hard to make reliable seams.

    And if you’re willing to buy the material overseas, has the cuben hybrid (light one with 50D PES face fabrics) in several colors. It’s probably the lightest material I would consider for a reasonably durable backpack. On the other end, Cascade Craftworks sell X-PAC D40, a laminate with 400D dyneema face, but it’s twice as heavy as the cuben.

    BPL Member


    Thanks Jan for your comments. I heard about people who put the tyvek in the washing machine to soften it but I’m not sure…

    I guess this is the one you’re referring to?

    Looks great, might consider that instead of trying to find the cuben hybrid, even though I love the look of the HMG bags (as in the material they use).

    BPL Member


    But yes, it is heavy…

    Jan Rezac
    BPL Member


    Locale: Prague, CZ

    There’s one more material available from this category – the X-pac TX. It’s the same as VX but without the inner fabrics. TX07 is available at and it is 3.2 oz/sqyd. It’s just a little bit heavier than cuben but the outer fabrics is stronger (70D nylon vs 50D PES). And it’s much cheaper.

    Now I think the list is complete (if you neglect standard fabrics). Sorry for giving it in pieces, it took me some time to recall what I have seen on sale and where.


    Mitchell Ebbott


    Locale: SoCal

    I don’t know how much help it will be in sourcing materials from the European market, but Dave Chenault’s article on MYOG fabrics is required reading for anybody looking to build a pack.

    BPL Member


    Thanks for the replies!

    I’ve finally found a company that sells Dyneema® Composite Fabrics 50D or even 150D with white backing. Which one should I go for, for a backpack? I know zpacks are using 50D and HMG use 50D as well, with a 150D bottom. I will only order one version so maybe the 150D is a good option?


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