Due to the high costs of DCF that Rip stop by the roll and Dutchware offers, even under the ‘wholesale’ guise, I contacted Dyneema to see what it would cost to buy directly from them. Both RSBTR and Dutchware offer CT1E.08 0.5Oz/yrd for $16/half yard or $32/yard. RSBTR will sell a 39.4 yard roll for the ‘wholesale’ price of $1030, or $26.14/yard. The guy I talked to at Dyneema told me that it would cost about $21/yard from them. However you would have to buy a minimum quantity of one specific weight and color of 1503 METERS! That’s $34,569 per type!!!! The heavier weight stuff is more; CT5K.18/wov.32c is about $31/yard, but still has the same minimum order quantity. It would be nice to get distributor status I guess, since it seems unlikely that RSBTR has ponied up 20 different flavors X $35K per flavor = $700K to stock and sell this stuff to us.