I am contemplating a Canoe or possibly a kayak trip in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.
I am experienced backpacker in the Sierras. I have all the gear I need for sleeping, eating etc. But I have minor and old experience with canoeing and kayaking.
I can go from 5-8 days. I am 68 years old but healthy. I will probably be alone or with a nephew who lives in Minneapolis.
I appreciate aloneness, but get really excited about catching some Walleye, big trout, Pike and Small Mouth Bass, even some nice perch.
With no recent experience in the north woods, I would like any suggestions regarding the best routes, the best outfitters and the viability of a kayak versus a canoe.
Also, I can get all of my stuff into either my ULA Circuit or my ULA Catalyst. Would they be ok in a canoe or a kayak.
Does any one with experience and or equipment want to do this with me? August 6 or 7 as start day.
I appreciate alloneness, but value learning on a first trip. I love to hike the Sierras solo, but didn’t start out that way.