
Checking Interest Midwest GGG

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Home Forums Campfire Hiking Partners / Group Trips Checking Interest Midwest GGG

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  • #3574736
    BPL Member


    Locale: Arrowhead

    Hi, checking to see if anyone is interested in going to a spring Midwest GGG? Its been a few years since I have last seen a Midwest region GGG and thought it might be time for us to have another if there’s enough interest. I was thinking maybe south eastern MN? Whitewater State Park has some decent hiking trails, but doesn’t have to be there.

    Please respond if you are interested and/or have suggestions for another location.

    David Noll
    BPL Member


    Locale: Maroon Bells


    David Thomas
    BPL Member


    Locale: North Woods. Far North.

    You shouldn’t plan anything around me (even if I do bring smoked salmon and caribou sausage), but I’d consider it, probably combining it with a visiting my son at U-Minn / Twin Cities.

    David Noll
    BPL Member


    Locale: Maroon Bells

    OK David, now you have me seriously drooling.

    Jeff McWilliams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Midwest

    Living in SE Mi, I’ve never done a GGG.  Also, I already have a lot planned for April & May:  leading two classes for my local backpacking club and hopefully going on a weekend rock climbing trip.

    I’d love to connect with other folks if the planets and stars align correctly, however.  So I’ll keep watching this thread to see what you end up planning.

    David Noll
    BPL Member


    Locale: Maroon Bells

    I would like to suggest Frontenac State Park. They have a group camp area plus walk in camping sites. The hiking trails there are really nice. It’s also much closer to the Twin Cities.

    BPL Member


    Locale: Arrowhead

    Sounds like were getting some interest, which is great!

    Frontenac State Park sounds good too. I’ve stayed there at one of the cart in sites, and its also a really nice place to hike. I’ve been wanting to take a trip to the meat market in Lake City for some of there delicious bratwursts. For those that don’t know that’s where water skiing originates, Lake Pepin along the shore of Lake City. Lake City is the closest town to Frontenac State Park.

    David, if you come I’ll match you and bring some smoked Lake Trout and gouda.

    I’m was thinking a time frame for this event around April to middle of May?

    If you have any suggestions on how to make this work for getting the best turn out please let me know? The more that can show up the better. :)

    David Noll
    BPL Member


    Locale: Maroon Bells

    I’m good mid April through the 1st week end in May. In May I have 2 weddings (May 11 and 31) and the Wisconsin Tenkara Campout(May 16-21).

    Matt Drewry
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wisconsin

    Super interested in this and would love to meet some BPL folk in person! I think I’ll be a little young, but appreciation of smoked salmon and beautiful gear is universal :)

    Jim Colten
    BPL Member


    Locale: MN

    Very interested if the weekend works out.  Our family has a cluster of three birthdays in late April so one of those weekends is out and I have an all day commitment the first Saturday of May

    Mandy M
    BPL Member


    I’m also interested.  I can make almost anytime in April or May.  The less mud the better!

    BPL Member


    Locale: Arrowhead

    I checked out the state park reservation system for Frontenac State Park availability for weekends in April and May and the only weekend the group campsite is available for is the nights of 4/19-4/20 (Friday & Saturday). I looked few weeks ago and that was also the case then.

    White Water State Park was completely booked back then too.

    Will 4/19-4/20 work for everyone? If so, I can go ahead and reserve it, or I can look for another state park, or if there’s some other ideas that someone may have please mention?


    Here a pic of the group site:

    Here is a pic of the river form the up high in the park




    Mandy M
    BPL Member


    April in Minnesota.  What could possibly go wrong?  LOL.  I’ll just mentally prepare for snow.

    That date works for me, or any other date/area in MN/WI.  My schedule is pretty open these days.  Have you looked at state parks in Wisconsin too?

    By the way, hi!  I’ve mostly been a lurker here, but am looking forward to meeting some people.  I will bring homemade cookies to share.  :)  I’m at that age where all my friends are married and have toddlers and I’m recently single and looking at places to travel/backpack.  Totally different lives these days.

    BPL Member


    Locale: Arrowhead

    Looks like I’m about to make a major change in my life and won’t be able to attend.

    I’m planning on selling my house this May and taking a very, very long term trip/overlanding throughout North America. This is something I’ve been wanting and planning for, for many years and now I have the motivation to finally chase this dream. Due to this transition I’m going to have to focus on selling my house and getting all my ducks in a row full time until I’m homeless, by choice :). It’s amazing how much junk we acquire through life.

    Sorry for getting people excited about a GGG I won’t be able to fulfill, but hopefully someone else can pickup the ball from where I left off.

    David Noll
    BPL Member


    Locale: Maroon Bells

    That’s Easter Weekend and so won’t work for me.

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