When on many of the forums, the back arrow on my browser behaves in inconsistent and unpredictable ways. Frequently, one back click leaves me unmoved, & on the same page. Two or more clicks in quick succession may take me back one page, or more. (In slow succession, I stay on the same page).
I think what’s happening is that a single click is taking me back to a page state before a page ad refreshed, but to me, it’s the same page. Two, or sometimes more, quick back arrow clicks overload, or “beat,” the ad refresh rate, but take me back an unpredictable number of pages.
Particularly in forums like Gear Swap, or Gear Deals, where one clicks a topic, checks it out, then wants to go back to find the next interesting topic, this site behavior makes for tedious, annoying browsing. Is there a way to turn off ad refreshes? Or turn off ads altogether, as we used to be able to do?