
anyone interested in doing the Sierra High Route this summer?

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Home Forums Campfire Hiking Partners / Group Trips anyone interested in doing the Sierra High Route this summer?

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  • #3754774
    BPL Member


    My initial plan was to spend some time on the PCT this summer (which I have), but I’m thinking of pivoting some of the time to an alternate trip. I am thinking the Sierra High Route fits the bill, or at least a portion of it. I’d love to have a hiking partner instead of going solo since it involves a good amount of off-trail travel.

    So I thought I’d see if I could find a hiking partner on BPL, even though it’s fairly last minute to plan such a trip. Timing is somewhat flexible, I could go most weeks in July or August.

    Tyler R
    BPL Member


    I think I might be interested. How big of a section and what kind of daily mileage are you looking at doing?

    BPL Member


    I’d like to do at least 100 miles of it if I don’t do the whole thing. My on-trail mileage is typically between 15 and 20 per day, so not sure how that would work out with off-trail travel, I assume it could slow to as little at 10 per day? The section from Darwin Bench to Tuolomne Meadows is particularly interesting to me, and that’s about 100 miles.

    Tyler R
    BPL Member


    That sounds awesome, that sounds like the perfect alpine pase for me and it seems to be a spectacular section. I am very much interested!

    However, I injured my leg a little bit on my last outing so I’ll go do a little multi day trip this week in the Sierras and see how its healed and what kind of off trail miles I can manage before I return and let you know if I can commit to the trip or not.

    BPL Member


    Sounds good, let me know!

    Tyler R
    BPL Member


    Hey Valjean! I’m in if your still looking for a partner! I might only do the first half with you though and exit Mammoth depending on what work needs from me during that time period.

    BPL Member


    Hi Tyler, sorry for the delayed reply! I’m looking at doing the trail from August 2-12. Totally fine if you want to join for a section. Lmk if the dates work for you and we can exchange contact info.

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