
Alternatives/Ideas for Foster's pot caddy

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Home Forums Gear Forums Make Your Own Gear Alternatives/Ideas for Foster's pot caddy

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    mik matra
    BPL Member


    Locale: Brisbane AUSTRALIA

    I have Dan’s Foster’s Pot and my bain is the protection of it. I have the ribbed model but even when I was supercareful I managed to dent it in my pack so I decided a caddy is needed for insurance. BUT, the caddy is 2.5ounces and is nearly half the weight of my entire cook kit!!!!

    What do you guys use to protect the can from damage?????

    Jordo _99
    BPL Member


    Locale: Nebraska

    Seems pretty similar to mine (…Twist’n’Loc containers may be a little lighter for their volume:

    32oz bowl – 38g

    16oz bowl – 26g

    “Combiner” ring (two lids, glued together with the centers cut out) – 18g

    total = 2.83oz


    I think you could fit your pot into the 32oz one (36g) with the screw-on lid (~12g).

    $4 for two containers/lids at Target:


    FWIW, my cookset shows 14.4oz but that also includes a full 8oz fuel bottle in there…so I’m closer to 6.5oz for everything (I have a windscreen that wasn’t included in the pictures)


    Hope that helps



    Nick Gatel
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern California

    Pack it carefully :)

    For years I have been keeping my GVP cone in a cuben sack without any major damage.

    I used the GVP Esbit Cone system as my go to stove for 5 years (I like being able to boil 2 cups of water), but have recently changed my preferences. Since I am retired, I am on a cost cutting spree and alcohol and liquid gas are the cheapest fuels. So I did a lot of comparisons and came up with this as the best of all worlds.

    BPL Member


    parade cotton candy tubs = 34grams minus lid….couldn’t find the lid

    Go to your local crockery deli department and ask to see the different size “tubs” used for potato salad etc. choose the one that’s right for your foster’s.


    Pickling lime containers fit well

    Diane “Piper” Soini
    BPL Member


    Locale: Santa Barbara

    I don’t have a fosters can stove but for my caldera cone, I roll it up enough to stuff it into a plastic coffee cup (if I’m deciding to be decadent and linger over a hot cuppa in the morning). On my last trip I wanted to protect a flimsy foil wind screen so I rolled it up with something inside to protect from crushing and put it in a cut-off bit of a smart water bottle, then put the whole thing inside a mesh stuff sack I made from a paint strainer. Can use the mesh to filter out floaties in my water and the cut-off bit of water bottle for scooping water into my platypus.

    mik matra
    BPL Member


    Locale: Brisbane AUSTRALIA

    Nice writeup Nick Gatel!!

    mik matra
    BPL Member


    Locale: Brisbane AUSTRALIA

    Good ideas Piper S.

    I have tried the stuffing it with soft items like socks beanie and the like and after putting on the plastic lid the pot came with then also wrapping it with the Ti windscreen (more to actually put the screen somewhere safe rather than an extra layer of pot protection) it is quite a solid unit now!!. I do store it on top too to save it from being squished by other items inside the pack.

    Nick Gatel
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern California

    Thanks, @mikmik.

    But really, by packing carefully I have found I don’t need a caddy. My first beer can pot, which did not have the extra ridges that Trail Designs and Zelph now add lasted for hundreds of nights. I eventually got a small pinhole from the can flexing too much at one of the ridges. The replacement can was much stronger and much less flexing.

    In this trip report I wrote about the pinhole and said I would probably change to a Titanium pot. Rand from Trail Designs saw the picture and said it can was a very old design and suggested I get one of the newer cans with many more ridges, which I did.

    As I pointed out in the earlier link, I have switched stove systems, although the switch came 3 years after the improved beer can, and the switch was not because of the “inherent” problem of an unprotected been can.


    mik matra
    BPL Member


    Locale: Brisbane AUSTRALIA

    I am not sure if the cans have been changed recently but in my first can I left water for a number of days (probably was weeks) and when I went to use it the water was gone and little corrosion holes were everywhere!! Now when I am finished with a trip I leave it out to fully dry as to avoid the corrosion bits and this particular can I have had on a fair few nights now with no issues.

    I have seen a few youtube videos on how to make my own can pot and also how to put in the ridges so I will give that a go next as ZelphStoves does not sell them anymore. A design I was thinking of adding was a ‘larger’, more pronounced ridge up near the top of the can. This is in order for me to then lower the can onto a caldera cone. In effect the caldera cone would be my potstand and windshield in 1. I already have a Ti foli made Esbit burner (made by Zelph) he gave me so I think I can save a bit more weight off my cookset

    BPL Member


    My son has taken over making the Foster’s pot and he also makes the StarLyte stoves for me. He sells on ebay. You can contact him there:

    Mineral laden water contains corrosive salts that cause the pin hole problem in thin aluminum pots.

    Kmart grease pots are famous for having corrosion from salts in bacon fat/grease. The more we boil, the more we toil.


    I wonder how much protection a Foster Koozie would provide.

    mik matra
    BPL Member


    Locale: Brisbane AUSTRALIA

    Hi Dan, cheers for the mention of your son!! Will be ordering soon as this last pot I bought off you (I am that dude from Oz you’ve sent 3 or 4 pots to plus some small bits and pieces, VERY much appreciated!!) is on it’s last legs :-)

    BPL Member


    Ask my son for a scratch and dent Fosters like the ones he makes for Gossamer. They are really beefed up with large ridgelines like you see in this photo:

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