I bought a used REI carbon fiber trekking pole with a damaged hand grip and got around to creating a replacement grip for it.
I found some foam road bike grips that are inexpensive. They are warm and have a good texture. They are a bit large for the trekking pole (handlebars are 22mm).
After cutting off the damaged grip, I wrapped the trekking pole with some duct tape to increase the diameter  and then used clear Shoe Goo as the adhesive, being careful to clean up any excess.
I added a Marbles 20mm compass to finish off the top and a tether at the bottom made from a soft boot lace. This tether arrangement will keep the pole from going over the edge, but isn’t grip assisting like top mounted straps. It can be looped over my hand in a kind of reverse cross country skiing method to allow it to swing freely as I walk and reduce the need for a death grip.
The grip is about 35mm outside diameter, 22cm long and weighs 25g
Interesting. Would you mind sharing a link or something for the bike grips you used? I’ve got the exact same pair of poles with both grips destroyed by saltaholic snafflehounds.
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