
Down Jacket repair help!!

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  • #1325285
    BPL Member


    I went hiking over the weekend and when I pulled out my Montbell EX Light down anorak when the temp began dropping I noticed there was a pen size hole in it. The jackets material is quite delicate and I figured this would happen eventually but I have never repaired a jacket before and I was wondering what the best material would be for this? The hole is leaking down and I definitely want to fix it ASAP.

    Stephen M
    BPL Member


    Locale: Way up North

    I have used Tenacious tape successfully in the past to repair down clothing.

    Bob Gross
    BPL Member


    Locale: Silicon Valley

    If it is literally one pinhole, then the easiest way to seal it is with seam sealer. One dot of it should do it. The sealer needs to soak into the surrounding material just slightly in order for it to be semi-permanent.

    Once you get up into the size of small tears, then transparent sealer tape such as Tenacious works better, but it is more visible.


    Don A.
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern California

    I burned a hole in my Montebell EX jacket and did a field repair using Tenacious Tape. It's lasted for 2 years.

    BPL Member


    Thank you. I have never bought such easily damaged gear before but in my quest to "Go light" I am noticing a lot of things simply aren't as durable I try and be as careful as possible but practically every plant in the desert has thorns or is pokey in some fashion. I will see what else people throw out there but that tape looks like it'll work great.

    BPL Member


    Bob its big enough to stick the end of a pencil in and it was leaking down quite well this weekend. I don't know if seam sealer would do the trick.

    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    pin size or pen size?

    pin – McNett Seam Grip

    pen – maybe Seam Grip, maybe tenacious tape. Or take a small piece of fabric and glue it on with Seam Grip. I've just gooped Seam Grip onto a hole that was a little bigger, like pen instead of pin

    If using Seam Grip, let it sit for 24 hours to cure. Then, it will stick to itself, which shouldn't be an issue with just pen sized. Rub some talc, or clay soil, or gypsum/wall board scraped off and wiped onto dried Seam Grip and it will lose that stickiness.

    (half trolling, half giving information for someone else reading this)

    Valerie E


    Locale: Grand Canyon State

    >> practically every plant in the desert has thorns or is pokey in some fashion

    I'm laughing in that ironic Southern Arizona desert-dwelling way… :^)

    jimmer ultralight


    Like old Cowhand once told me about the South Texas brush countfy..

    "Be carefull,son. Whatever dont kill ya' is going to cut ya', kick ya' or stick ya' "

    Jake D
    BPL Member


    Locale: Bristol,RI

    Tenacious tape… fixing REI garage sale items back to near new condition for many years ;)

    poke the down back into the hole then try to get that area as flat as you can so it is a smooth surface. Also round off the corners on the piece of tape you use so they don't pull up as easy.

    Bob Gross
    BPL Member


    Locale: Silicon Valley

    "Bob its big enough to stick the end of a pencil in and it was leaking down quite well this weekend. I don't know if seam sealer would do the trick."

    Oh, I was confused. I thought you called it a pinhole.

    For a rip like this, you want clear Tenacious tape in a piece less than one square inch. Make sure not to get your fingerprints on the sticky surface.


    BPL Member


    I went bushwacking off trail to get water this weekend while camping in the Superstitions and the route to the water source was a death march there and back. But at least I had drinking water! After having lived in Asia and greener parts of the USA (Japan, San Diego, Chicago, NYC) for the last 13 out of 16 years I sometimes forget how dangerous all the plants in the Sonoran desert are, and it always reminds me why I prefer camping in the mountains.

    BPL Member


    Locale: North East

    Also apply patches of repair tape with all corners rounded. This doesn't create and sharp corners to start to raise and start to curl.

    Stephen M
    BPL Member


    Locale: Way up North

    If using Tenacious tape, cut the patch in to a circular shape.

    Edit: Zach mentioned that already.

    BPL Member


    Thanks everyone it looks like tenacious tape will do the trick. Now I just need to purchase some!

    Gaute Lote
    BPL Member


    Locale: Norway

    Spinnaker tape will make a lasting repair as well and is available in many colors…

    The patches I put on my Rab jacket about two years ago are holding up well.

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