I purchased the Peak Design pro package a month or so ago and have really been pleased with all of the components, especially the Leash camera strap. I really like how easy it is take the strap on and…. (ok Doug might read this so I REALLY shouldn't use the words "strap" and "on" consecutively)… Ahem… remove and replace the strap. I also like how easy it is to adjust the length and fully extended, it's an ideal length to wear diagonally across the body.
Apparently when you live with crazed monkeys, there are days when you'll wake up to find Scentsy wax on your camera strap and magically no one in the house has any knowledge of how that happened, you know, because it magically happened.
When you find yourself in this predicament, and you would like to eventually use this camera strap again on a backpacking trip without attracting every bear within 50 miles, I've found that soaking it in boiling water seems to do the trick.