Can anyone explain again how to embed links as a hyperlink? And can we get a "link" button to associate a url with text like many free blogs have?
Like someone else said, this site seems outdated without features like that..
Its not really outdated, unless you consider html outdated, its just not as "full featured" as some other sites.
Anyway to embed links in text simply using the following:
<a href="YourURLhere"> Text to embed into</a>
Simple, huh?
How were you able to type out the string without the system actually attempting to embed as a link? I copied and pasted your string above, and it turned out like this:
Okay, finally figured that out.
You need to replace each '<' with '<' followed by ';' and each '>' with '>' followed by ';', except don't type the ' symbols.
Actually, I just did what Jason did. I looked up how to show html code without it treating it as code on Google and found that if you use the string of symbols it displays the < and > as text and doesn't look at them as something to use for code. Aren't computers fun?
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