The super strong fibers in DCF material are made out of UHMWPE (ultra high molecular weight polyethylene), a type of olefin plastic.
This is what I found regarding some of it’s material properties in relation to heat (via wikipedia): “The weak bonding between olefin molecules allows local thermal excitations to disrupt the crystalline order of a given chain piece-by-piece, giving it much poorer heat resistance than other high-strength fibres. Its melting point is around 130 to 136 °C (266 to 277 °F),<sup id=”cite_ref-8″ class=”reference”>[8]</sup> and, according to DSM, it is not advisable to use UHMWPE fibres at temperatures exceeding 80 to 100 °C (176 to 212 °F) for long periods of time. It becomes brittle at temperatures below −150 °C (−240 °F).<sup id=”cite_ref-9″ class=”reference”>[9]” </sup>
Sounds like if you keep it under the 176 * F range, it should be fine.