Show #23!! – We´re back and today we bring you our April Show! This month we announce the details on the May 3rd Denver Brew-Hike, D-low talks cow dung, live in studio we have special guest Markham “Completely Free” Carr to tell us how tough the PCT was back in 97´, we drink a few beers and review the film “Remains of a River” by Will Stauffer-Norris & Zak Podmore. We also do the iTunes Top 5, a mob of Donator shout-outs, Mailbag, and a gear review that will blow your mind.
And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (Chelsea Alehouse Brewery courtesy of Frito “Roll Tide” Garcia), Trail News with Mags, Trail O’ Da Month (Pacific Crest Trail), Disco’s Trail Tip O’ Da Month and Ask-A-Hiker with D-low.
The April Show is sponsored by the upcoming Denver Brew-Hike on May 3rd! Info on the Denver Brew-Hike is available at
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