I thought I'd share this for others that might be interested. Small campfire required–but real
baking in a small/light and foldable package.
The oven (1) and triangle base plate are made of aluminum flashing and weigh in at 3.0 oz. You can also make one out of an oven liner or disposable cookie sheet–at less than half this weight, but expect to replace it more often. The oven also can function as (2) a campfire heat reflector
and (3) as a partial wind screen & base plate for small stoves.
(1) Baking is quite easy with a small campfire–set it to about 350F for 25 minutes :-o
Most of the baking is from the top (reflected heat) but the bottom (triangle base) functions as a conductor–and should have a few coals (under or on top) for the best baking.
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