After the wife shot down 21 days to complete the John Muir Trail, my buddy and I are seeking an alternative 10-12 day trip idea, in a similar area of the country. The Tahoe Rim trail is an option, but wondering if any fellow BPLers have additional recommendations….thanks in advance !!!
What about just starting at Kearsarge and going to Reds or Tuolumne?
You skip the 2 hardest points and cut back on the amount of food before the resupply.
Either way would get some easy permits.
If you were going to take 3 weeks, I'm guessing your pack weight between the longest stretches would be heavy?
The TRT would help alleviate the load.
Thanks Aaron! I didn't even know about the Tahoe-Yosemite trail, that looks like a great option – I will have to investigate that. I really appreciate your reply, thanks again…
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