Taking off here in the next few hours with two 17/18 year olds, a dog, hammocks, inner tubes and all. Heading up toward Yosemite, car camping one night then hiking between Stanislaus and Mariposa counties, along the "river " with the secret swimming holes. Going to be 103 in the day.
We do a trip in this area every year, this time moving up river versus staying in on spot. We have no mileage goal; we'll stop where it looks good. It will all be about the water and having fun, without the drive up crowds.
Bears, rattle snakes and swarms of tarantulas in the past…..perfect choice for an all girl's trip ;)
This is the scenery….
You've been holding out on me, those look like some amazing swimming holes, have fun and be careful. I hate wadding through rattle snakes to go swimming! UUHHHH!!!
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