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    Eugene Smith
    BPL Member


    Locale: Nuevo Mexico
    W I S N E R !



    John V. from our R2R2R was going to attempt a R2R2R2R2R recently but it fell through…

    Pretty crazy.


    When I first saw your post on this I thought "What the hell is Eugene up to?"

    Greg Mihalik


    Locale: Colorado

    What a gold mine of information.
    He did a GREAT job of detailing everything. (except weight loss)

    One (among many) amazing numbers is 8800 calories over 68 hours: He did this on 130 calories per hour for intake. 300 calories per hour output, would put him at 20,000. A deficit of 11,200. A mere 3.2 pounds of body fat. By the looks of him, maybe 2% of his weight.

    Kudos on an amazing accomplishment.

    Eugene Smith
    BPL Member


    Locale: Nuevo Mexico

    A sextuple crossing of the Canyon is bananas. As if I needed another reason to return, this only inspires and fuels the flames more. I'm thinking October '13 will be a perfect time for another R2R2R down there.

    This is a quote from Ras in a recent interview with Trailrunner Magazine:

    "But I am not against fast running. I don’t think it’s wrong. I am as impressed and inspired by and in awe of the elite runners as anyone else, and I respect and admire them. What I take issue with is a culture that worships speed as the only standard by which to judge achievement. It’s time for Trail Culture to democratize running."

    This guy is blowing my mind right now.

    BPL Member


    This guy sounds really interesting; so down to earth.
    260 pounds five years ago and now this? Wow.

    Art …
    BPL Member


    John V. is still planning on a R-R-R-R-R but has moved it to next spring.

    this is the first person I've ever heard John call crazy.

    the thing about Ras' effort is that it was so slow anyone as crazy as him could have a decent go at breaking the record … any takers.

    Ike Jutkowitz
    BPL Member


    Locale: Central Michigan

    Loved this and the linked interview. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

    Mike M
    BPL Member


    Locale: Montana

    very impressive feat, equally impressive was his back to back circumvention of Rainier

    he was interviewed recently and I really liked his comment on running ultras- as a back of the packer he said they were like a mullet- all business up front and party at the rear :)

    make sure you guys keep me abreast of any possible fall plans


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