One thing to consider–that setup positions the bottom of the JB pot 2" from the top of the Esbit tabe. The optimal tab-to-pot distance is between 1.25"-1.75". So, for better efficiency, you might want to elevate your tab .5" off the ground. You could use a Gram Cracker, for example, or make a tablet holder from the bottom of a Red Bull or mini Pepsi can. Either way will work, and it likely will make the Esbit tab more efficient by getting it off the cold ground.
Edit: Nope, the Pepsi can won't fit inside the center of the JB pot stand (I just checked). Maybe you could fashion a sort of Gram Cracker clone out of heavy duty aluminum foil to elevate the tab inside the center. Anyway, you'll need a windscreen for things to work well, unless it's a perfectly calm day.