
AT in June

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    Stephen Nelson


    Locale: Sunshine State

    wow, I have been working hard on lightening my load since last summer. On a similar trip I began with a total pack weight of about 50 lbs, and I thought I was going pretty light, granted it was a 9 day trip without a resupply, but still. Ha. Anyway my trip is rapidly approaching. You all have been a wonderful source of guidance. If you would please go to my profile and take a peek at my gear, I'd greatly appreciate it. Any guidance would be appreciated. you guys rock.

    Adam Rothermich
    BPL Member


    Locale: Rockies

    Looks like a pretty good list to me. Ironically you have a lot of gear that I have/would like to have. The only real concern I have is only having pictures of the maps on your camera. That's all good and well until your batteries die or your camera throws in the towel. Hard copies of the maps don't weight THAT much.
    I do have one question. How do you like your MLD Prophet? I'm assuming its the new model. Any thoughts you'd be willing to share about it? I'm torn between getting the ULA Amp, the Prophet, or just trying to make my own.
    (Amp b/c I want durability, the Prophet b/c I think I could get away with sacrificing durability for lower weight, and make my own b/c I've got the MYOG bug and I'm sans job, but that's all for another thread!)
    What is your take on the Prophet?


    Stephen Nelson


    Locale: Sunshine State

    adam, thanks for checking it out for me. The AT maps weight about 5 oz together. I figured that they aren't really necessary and having some on my camera would be better than nothing.

    I just got the prophet yesterday, so I dont have any experience with it yet. But as far as first impresions go. It looks awesome. It fits my gear volume/trip lengths perfect. Excellent design and combintaion of functionality and weight. Ron does very good work. He even includes some unexpected extras for creating a unique compression system. It is spinnaker though, so any serious abrasion (rough trees, jagged rocks) could really tear it up, but the most rubbed areas are either 1.1 nylon or a combination of mesh on top of nylon. so if you are careful, I think that you are covered. If you are going to buy a pack and dont mind the durability issue, than this pack looks really great.

    Ryan Faulkner


    I dont think there is alot of advice i can give for this list. looks very well thought out.

    I would recomend adding 2 extra stakes to your list, I usually only use 6 when setting up a poncho, but I have had lazr stakes bend on me before, and even if they are orange, its easy to loose them, especially on a thru hike when the paint is sure to wear off.

    I put my jam under my legs for insulation with my torso pad. The MLD propet dose not have a foam backpanel as far as i am aware, you might want to consider a gossamer gear thinlight full length pad.

    what kind of running shorts do you have? all mine have a liner in them so compression shorts arent necceasary.

    I would recomend a polyester or wool shirt instead of your underarmour. I like them for running and active sports, but they really are not as warm(even cold gear) and breathable as other options. plus they take forever to dry. My choice is the salomon raid zip tech shirt for both my long and short sleeve shirts. Smartwool is good too.

    Wool socks won smell as much. Defeet wooleator?

    if your photon is your only light, id get a hat clip for it, so you can be hands free at camp.

    I dont see a watch listed? its an important tool, for many reasons it is important to know the time. I use a highgear summit watch. it is my compass, watch and altimiter.

    no map? I cut mine down, but id never go without. I map out offtrail routes alot, and go orienteering sometimes. so mabey i am just used to getting off course, but a map is very important, even on a trail as well blazed as the AT. Trips almost nevr go exactly as planned,you want to be able to adjust.

    I plan on hiking the AT and PCT once im out of high school, i plan on taking a guide book too. (of course cut down with a bunch of pages torn out :P)

    Stephen Nelson


    Locale: Sunshine State

    wow, thanks, there's a lot i need to clear up here. I have updated my gear list.

    1)my trip has been shortened to just over a week now, though I will be making at least 4 such trips during the summer, so I am not sure how necesary 2 extra stakes are, do you think 7 would suffice?

    2)I have a full length thinlight, but the 3/8 is a little on thick side and I dont like how it fits in the pack, I have found myself to be comfortable with the torsolight into te 30s, but definately something to consider.

    3)I cut the liner out of my running shorts so that i could wear the spandex, it help a lot with my thighs, they rub (I'm not fat, just built funny)

    4) I just got a new polyester wicking shirt and haven't put it on my list. Thanks for catching that. AS far as my under armor, granted its not ideal, but I have my stealth, which doubles as a very warm poncho, and my golite wind shirt. do you think that wont work well?

    5)I have truely love my ascics sock for running, and I have weird feet, a very long second toe. But I'll take a look at those, thanks.

    6)I have the hat clip and love it.

    7) I need to put my watch on there, I just use a timex ironman, its so natural for me to wear it that i didn't even think about it.

    8)I have added the map back. I realize that was stupid, it's just seemed like a lot of weight (5oz for 2).

    so, thanks again. I appreciate you looking at it.

    Ryan Faulkner


    I was thinking your hike was a thru hike. for a section hike you could probably pull off just the 6 stakes no problem, I would bring 7 tho.
    Long distance hiking can reqiure some extra gear not needed for a weekend trip. for short trips, I have brought as little as 4 stakes. but I feel safer when i bring 8 for longer distance/ more days.

    Remember leaves can add some minimal insulation under your legs if you encounter a cold night. this has helped me a few times, cold legs can ruin a night sleep (even when i am comfortable pushing a bags temperature rating far beyond its comfort rating, cold legs keep me from sleeping warm, one of the reasons i love my JAM so much)

    I wasent sure before if your under armour was cold gear or heat gear. the cold gear will definatly be adequate for your layering sytem, I always use a cold gear mock when skiing, I just prefer a slightly looser (but still athletic fit) synthetic shirt for backpacking for comfort and weight reasons (saloman raid LS, 5.4oz/ golite c-thru LS, 4.5oz)

    If you find a sock you love, that will last for long distances, stick with it. I have never used those asics socks, so I dont have any idea how long they will last. Plus there are the obvious advantages of wool/ keep you warm while they are wet + they dont smell as much :). defeet wooleator/ smartwool adrenaline

    I used to have a timex iron man, I loved that watch, but then i replaced it with a highgear summit watch. 2.2oz watch, altimiter, compass, barometer, thermometer, chronograph. the compass and altimiter are both neccasary tools for finding your place on a map, barometer/ thermometer… well, you can tak a picture of it reading 28degrees, and say you slept in a 40 degree bag. and a weather forcast is alwayys nice.

    a useful book

    me and my dad are oreienteering freaks sry :)

    Stephen Nelson


    Locale: Sunshine State

    thanks again for you input, all things to consider. also, I may go with my smart wool socks for sleeping.

    Donna C
    BPL Member


    Locale: Middle Virginia

    What are you using as fuel? It isn't listed, just the Ti wing stove. Will you be using Esbit or some other off-brand solid fuel? How much?

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