$1 lexan cutlery at REI outlet. These are lighter than titanium and won't scratch your pots. I own a few of each and loan them out to hiking guests. Normal plastic ones are brittle and don't last.
Hi, Brett: Yup, been looking for some Lexan for that very reason. Trouble with REI is their darn shipping charges which there seems no way around. I shouldn't get so hung up about shipping charges but end up spending my dollars where I can buy several "needs" at once and get free or reduced shipping based on volume. BTW your posts are always great.. Thanks!
Mandy, thank you for the feedback on my posts.
Usually, shipping to an REI store is free. They will hold the items until you happen to be driving near that store.. if that is possible.
I'm possibly in an even more difficult position than you, since everything I buy from REI is forwarded to me in Japan. There used to be one REI here, but it closed in less than a year! That really chaps my hide.
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