I stumbled onto a new trail snack ,fried green peas from nutty guys.com at an albertsons store. A serving is 30 grms slightly less then a half cup. 120 cals,3 gms fat,18 gms carbs,7 gms protein,5 gms fiber, and 10 grms iron.
Which isn't too bad a balance, real crunchy. Haven't tried tossing them into anything .
They also have a wasabi flavor.
Similar item I've enjoyed for years: wasabi peas – one of my favorite trail snacks. Usually available in the Asian aisle of the grocery store (Hapi brand is my favorite – no MSG).
Sorry, I just copied the nutritional value label without thinking what 1/3 iron might mean. I did just check their website and it doesn't elaborate further so it must be, duh, a label error.
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