
Looking for 4-7 day trail in PNW last week of march

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Home Forums Campfire Trip Planning Looking for 4-7 day trail in PNW last week of march

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  • #1298055
    Josh Greninger


    Any good 60-100 mile PCT sections? Or other trails? Looking for a hike in Idaho, Oregon or Washington that won't be covered in snow during the last week of March.

    As of right now, I'm considering the Olympic National Forest's Hoh River and Enchanted Valley trails.

    Thanks! :)

    Josh Greninger


    Any long trails through Utah's Zion National Park?

    Shawn Donnelly


    Locale: Western Washington

    I was in the Enchanted Valley on 4/29/2012 (last year) and there was still several feet of snow. I don't have any idea of what the current conditions are.Enchanted Valley ranger station, Olympic National Park, 04/29/2012

    The photo is not very good, it was taken with my ipod but it does show how much snow there was when I was there.

    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    Rogue River trail is 40 miles

    There are several hikes on the Olympic Peninsula – Ozette to Rialto Beach or Third Beach to Oil City – both about 20 miles

    I've done both in March

    If you go to and click on "field guide" there's a detailed description

    Nelson Sherry


    Locale: Mid-Willamette Valley

    As mentioned above, the Rogue River Trail would be good (although it is only 42 pretty fast miles) as would any of the 50+ miles of the Olympic Coast. Hell's Canyon is spectacular and could be outstanding in March.

    Your not going to get any distance on the PCT even in April or May.

    I don't know much about "the Desert Trail" that is supposed to have 100 miles or so of beautiful trail completed in SE Oregon and may have enough trail low enough (i.e. not on the Steens Mtn) to be passable in March.

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