
Brand New Non-Ultralight Adventure

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    John Donewar
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southeastern Texas

    I went to work right out of high school, married my high school sweetheart, attended trade school & community college at night, been laid off and re-invented myself so that we could raise and support our two sons.

    I've driven in autocrosses, competed in an archery league, ran 5 kilometers through marathons and hiked through the mountains of SC, NC, TN and VA.

    I've built and finished furniture, learned how to sew and make my own hiking gear.

    At present I'm training for a brand new adventure that I will be particpating in with my youngest son. We'll be doing a GoRuck Challenge in Austin, TX on May 4th of this year.

    We purchased a pair of 26 liter, 3.2 pound GR1 GoRuck rucksacks. In these packs during the event we'll be carrying 30 pounds of bricks. We'll be covering a distance of 15 – 20 miles in 10 or so hours working together with 28 other team members.

    Brian Green gave me some advice and the benefit of his experience.

    "Crazy old hiker dad or not, doing the Goruck Challenge will be something to talk about and be proud of for a very long time :) – Brian"

    Best of all I will be spending time with my son making memories that will last us a lifetime. ;-)

    Party On,




    Locale: The Cascades

    Have a great time John! Sounds very cool!

    BPL Member


    Locale: The West is (still) the Best

    I did a few of these in the military and a 35 lb ruck is standard. I made sure most of my weight was water and gatorade as to drink most of the 35 lbs as I hiked. Guess the "30 lbs of brick" requirement means that's over…

    When does it start? Austin is fairly cool in the early AM but heats up in the morning (if using the lake, swarms of joggers get out at dawn).

    Ben C
    BPL Member


    Locale: Kentucky

    That sounds like a foolish thing to do for a guy your age. ;) By all means, you should do it, especially since you get to do it with your son. And May is Austin is usually pretty nice in spring; may be getting a bit warm by May though.

    John Donewar
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southeastern Texas


    Thanks Doug, I thought you might approve. ;-)


    The start is at 2200 (10:pm). We'll be out there to greet the joggers. LOL


    "Sounds foolish"

    "By all means, you should do it…"

    I'm not sure if you are for or against the idea after reading your post. ;-?

    FYI I am by no means the oldest participant. The oldest to date that I have found is 61 years young.

    Party On,


    Ben C
    BPL Member


    Locale: Kentucky

    Newton, I definitely think you should do it. A little foolishness is a good thing in my book. I would do lots of foolish things to spend time outside with my kids.

    Richard Cullip
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Diego County

    Sounds like a nice adventure to share with your son. Good luck to the both of you. Can't wait for the "trip" report.

    John Donewar
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southeastern Texas

    Another part of of this adventure that appeals to me is the fact that $10.00 of every Challenge entry fee is donated to the Green Beret Foundation.

    Party On,


    Sam Haraldson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Gallatin Range

    Hey John,

    Glad to see you and your son are going to be hitting up a Challenge. They're mentally and physically taxing but super rewarding too. I did my first last July and I'll be doing my second this June. Glad to hear you're participating along with your son – that's very cool.


    John Donewar
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southeastern Texas

    Thanks Sam,

    I'll bet your second Challenge is going to be in Bozeman. ;-)

    Good Livin' close to home!

    There will be a Challenge in New Orleans, Saturday, October 26, 2013 01:00 AM. That would be an opportunity for me to do one in my own back yard. I'll have to pass on that idea though since I'm doing a 2 week section hike of the AT that same month with Laz.

    Have you ever visited the Stockyard Cafe?

    Party On,


    Sam Haraldson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Gallatin Range

    This summer I'll do my second Challenge in Bozeman (the first was here also). And yes, the Stockyard Cafe is great place. It's about as "real Montana" as it gets.

    John Donewar
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southeastern Texas

    This will be quite a different trip report of an overnighter with benefits. ;-)

    A routine physical on April 29th uncovered a problem that precluded me from fully participating in the GoRuck Challenge as I had intended. I was however able to "shadow" the challenge. I observed and walked alongside the team that included my son Todd as they progressed through the evolutions.

    I originally wanted to participate fully with my son and enjoy some guy time. Making some special memories for us in an undertaking of his choosing was also another goal of mine. Shadowing this event gave me a unique perspective and the memories of it are clear and precious to me.

    I will be back training soon as my physician(s) are helping me to get things under control.


    Cadre – The leader(s) of the challenge.

    The Report:

    State Capitol, Austin Tx, May 4th,2013, 2200 hrs.

    Class 554 begins their GORUCK Challenge.

    I was truly privileged to shadow this team as they proceeded through their GORUCK Challenge. What I witnessed was truly glorious and miraculous.

    39 individuals arrived prepared to carry their own ruck's weight through to the finish. As they progressed through the evolutions 39 individuals became 1 team. Each team member was willing to carry another team member’s ruck while that team member was carrying a buddy. Team members offered each other encouragement, assistance and praise.

    This class carried two American flags and held them high throughout the challenge.

    The team even performed public service for the community during this event!

    At the end the cadre ordered them to perform another task.

    It was a test of their willingness to go further. The cadre was looking for the team’s reaction to hearing that they were not done yet.

    The cadre was also looking for the team’s willingness to go on and not the completion of the task.

    The entire team proceeded to do as told without a groan or complaint. The cadre was duly impressed with their performance and told them so.

    The cadre then addressed the team and congratulated them on completing their GORUCK Challenge.

    The TOUGH patch was theirs! As each member received the patch that can only be earned, “Welcome to the family”, was heard from the cadre.

    Class 554 was dismissed.

    HooRah! 554 HooRah!

    Yes I was a proud papa when I saw my saw my son, Todd, receive a handshake, have that GORUCK TOUGH patch placed in his hand and have those words said to him, "Welcome to the family".

    I followed up with congratulations of my own and a strong hug from "Pops" as I am known to my son Todd. ;-)

    We now have many fond memories of our time in Austin. It was indeed, Good Livin'.

    Party On,

    Newton ;-)

    Sam Haraldson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Gallatin Range

    Good livin', Todd.

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