
Kungsleden (King’s Trail), June-July 2013

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Home Forums Campfire Trip Planning Kungsleden (King’s Trail), June-July 2013

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    Evan McCarthy
    BPL Member


    Locale: Mid-Atlantic

    I can tell from a forum search that a number of BPL folks (particularly the Nordic crowd) has done the Kungsleden in the past. A group of us are planning on hitting it this June/July, with a rough plan to finish all 275 miles in about 16-17 days.

    For those of you with experience this time of year, do you have thoughts on weather and anything else we should be thinking about as we make plans? We would be traveling north to south.

    Wim Depondt
    BPL Member


    Locale: The low countries

    Not been there (but Sarek, close by, is on the agenda next summer).

    You could check the climate history to get a picture weather wise:

    Mind you, June & July is mosquito time in Lapland.


    Katy Anderson


    The season in fjällen, the Scandinavian mountains, starts after midsummer, June 21, and runs through mid September. This is when the mountain huts are open.

    Speaking of the huts, I presume that you know that there is only one leg of the trip where you need to bring a tent, Kvikkjock to Amarnäs. The rest has huts along the way to overnight in and some of those also have food supplies for sale. So a very light pack is definitely possible.

    Yes mosquitos are inevitable unless you go in September.

    The rain will be your main challenge. Figure that it will rain a lot, every other day on average. Work out a clothing system and shoes or boots that lets you walk comfortably in the rain for many days.

    Enjoy your trip!

    Roger B
    BPL Member


    Locale: Denmark

    I have been in that area in the past 3 July's I started from Kvikkjokk on July 1 in 2010, it was a beautiful, very warm and sunny day, the next day it was cold, snowing and I spent a couple of days in similar conditions, after which the weather cleared. Higher up there will be snow and I have experienced some minor snow falls in each year, it can be windy and and with windchill quite cool. Also early in the season the rivers can be flowing quickly and deeper than normal, it is not uncommon for a bridge or 2 to be damaged by high water. However, in general I feel you will have no problem, yes mosquitos may be bad, but that depends a lot on your tolerance level. I will probably be up that way again next summer, but have no plan for where at this stage.

    Enjoy your trip

    A forum, still in its infancy, that maybe useful is the Nordic Outdoor Forum many of the members are experienced lapland hikers.

    Reports of my trips can be found at Nordkalotteleden, Kalottireitti, Nordkalottruta

    Evan McCarthy
    BPL Member


    Locale: Mid-Atlantic

    Wim, Katy, Roger:

    Many thanks for your thoughts on the Kungsleden. I look forward to a successful trip, and it will be thanks to folks like you.

    Keep any new insights coming!

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