Episode #5! Today we bring you our Halloween Show – Don't be scared!!
In Episode #5 we discuss Mags getting hitched, the Gossamer Gear Minimalist Daypack Giveaway Contest winner, the ALDHA-West Triple Crown awards, an interview with Pepper on his Colorado Trail unsupported speed record, Scott "Squatch" Herriott's "Tales from the Trail" and Mags' review of a little-known book called "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed. And as always … Beer O' Da Month, Ask-A-Hiker with Mike DiLorenzo, Trail O' Da Month, Trail News with Mags, and Ask-A-SheHiker with P.O.D. Thanks again for tuning in and for supporting the podcast by subscribing via iTunes!!
Today's show is sponsored by SquatchFilms.com. Order Flip Flop Flippin' and much more right now! (http://www.squatchfilms.com)