On this page: http://www.backpackinglight.com/cgi-bin/backpackinglight/drop_stoppers_rain_gear?ppo=ppoMDAxMTAtLTAwMzQ2
There appears this language: "Drop Stoppers have been DISCONTINUED. The brand was purchased by Frogg Toggs, and the same product is now consolidated under the DRI DUCKS brand:
Click here to buy Dri Ducks at BackpackingLight.com"
Clicking on the Dri Ducks link goes to this URL: http://www.backpackinglight.com/cgi-bin/backpackinglight/dri_ducks_rain_gear.html
At which the following message appears: "Sorry, the page (dri_ducks_rain_gear) was not found.
The requested page (dri_ducks_rain_gear) was not found. You can return to browsing our website, if you wish."
Since I didn't find a "webmaster" contact, I am posting here.