
JMT: Resupply at MTR or VVR

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Home Forums Campfire Trip Planning JMT: Resupply at MTR or VVR

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  • #1290935
    BPL Member


    Locale: USA

    So I've pretty much ecided to resupply at MTR instead of VVR, despite the high cost, but I do wonder what is available for purchase at MTR. Their website alludes to fuel and the like, but I can't tell if they have any type of store where all resupply foodstuffs can be purchased or not. My preference would be to just buy at the store if possible and avoid sending a resupply box from home.

    Any advice about what's available for purchase there?

    Also, what's available for,purchase at VVR? If they have a store that sells enough foodstuffs and resupply items, it still may be worth going there to avoid sending a box.

    Any thoughts? Thanks!

    Katy Anderson


    The store at Muir Trail Ranch has no food for sale at all. You can buy fuel for your stove, a few Sierra souvenirs, postcards and stamps if you want to send a note home, and depending on the whims of technology phone and internet access.

    MTR also sometimes has availability in their cabins for a nights stay, in which case it includes meals.

    When I stopped by VVR in 2005 they had a small store with some food for sale.
    I would have been hard pressed to resupply from the store food alone if I had another 10 days or so to cover to Whitney.

    VVR also has a restaurant where you can get meals while you are staying there.

    None of these places are cheap, but that is largely because it is expensive to get supplies out there.

    Bill Richardson


    We have quite a bit of food in our store at VVR. Most of the standard hiker's food – crackers, pastas, dried meals, etc. We also have a hiker barrel that you can search through. You probably couldn't do a complete resupply at VVR, but you could certainly do a pretty decent one – and if you can send a resupply box to us, the sky's the limit.

    Bill Richardson
    Webmaster, VVR

    Jeremy Pendrey
    BPL Member


    Locale: California

    Don't count on resupplying anything at MTR from their store. Very sparse supplies and even when they tell you they have something they might not have it when you get there. Hiker boxes have lots of good stuff, but kind of random what you might find.

    I would plan to ship everything you need to MTR in your bucket. No worries that way.

    VVR has more selection but still might not have what you are looking for. VVR is a fantastic place for a zero day though. Beer and hot food and good company of other hikers and great staff.

    MTR is perfect midpoint for a full resupply and they serve that function well, but don't even let you use the bathroom unless you are staying there. I'm serious.

    Enjoy your trip.

    BPL Member


    Locale: USA

    Katy, Bill, Jeremy,

    Mahalo! Great info!


    Steve Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southwest

    As a prior post noted there is little to purchase at MTR, but if you pass through late summer the hiker barrels are a virtual cornucopia of food stuffs. A late summer hiker can probably scrouge better than they can think to pack a resupply.

    Okay, that said, MTR is a bit further along the trail than VVR and if you do not plan another resupply before Whitney Portal I'd recommend using MTR.

    And that said, if you have time, make the stop at VVR as well. The restaurant, shower, laundry, and the possibility of a bed makes VVR well worth the 1/2 detour. And an added bonus of breaking bread with a dozen or more fellow JMT through hikers, encouragement of one another and the comraderie that you will thencefore share with most of them for the remainder of your hike.

    Jason G
    BPL Member


    Locale: iceberg lake

    Yea no food to buy at mtr but if you are going to be there august or later you can pretty much not even send a resupply and just create one from the hiker buckets. I think i switched out every one of my dinners when i was through there.

    BPL Member


    Locale: USA

    So if I forego sending a resupply box to MTR due to the cost adn it turns out there isn't enough stuff in the hiker barrel to resupply with, what would be the best option for a town resupply stop and the route to get there?

    Hiking Malto
    BPL Member


    Not sure if you can rummage through the hiker box if you didn't send a package. Send a bucket and then look for goodies. You will be amazed at the food thatis in those boxes. In addition to the feast we had in our bucket for night 1 we had another entire big meal complete with chicken breast etc. plus we had two MH meals that we ate above evolution lake. Don't miss the hot springs across the river. They feel great.

    Bob Gross
    BPL Member


    Locale: Silicon Valley

    "what would be the best option for a town resupply stop and the route to get there?"

    There really are no towns nearby.

    The Kaiser Pass Road goes from Shaver Lake village up to Florence Lake. Then the water taxi or else the trail gets to the other side of Florence Lake. Then it is miles by trail to get to MTR.


    Misha Berger
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area

    Can someone clarify whether or not we have to send ourselves a bucket in order to dig through their unwanted goods barrel(s)?

    I either send a bucket today, or have to rely on what's there and hike/hitchhike out to Bishop or Independence to get what I need if it's insufficient.

    Would much rather not send a bucket. The food I send myself will invariably be less varied, less suited for backpacking (still a novice here), and more out of favor by the time I get there than what others will leave behind. Also short on time and money, and not too picky.

    Also, they say they don't run out of fuel canisters. Can I rely on them for at least this?

    Thanks everyone for the help.

    Cayenne Redmonk
    BPL Member


    Locale: Greater California Ecosystem

    Just show up and go through the stuff.

    Avoid things people put their hands in.

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