
Powerbar Energy Gel Caffinated Gels

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Home Forums Commerce Reader Reviews Powerbar Energy Gel Caffinated Gels

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    george carr
    BPL Member


    Locale: Loco Libre Gear

    I discovered energy gels a few years ago and decided to try the Powerbar brand on an AT hike in 2004. If you've never tried a carbohydrate gel or don't typically take in caffeine all I can say is WOW! I had put in a long day and still had 3 miles to go when I hit the wall. I took in a double caffinated dose of Powerbar Gel and 20 minutes later it really kicked in. By the time I reached my destination I felt like I could cover another 5 miles!
    I have tried various other brands since then, and keep coming back to Powerbar. I like the taste, especially the Tangerine and the Strawberry-Banana. I also have since learned to gauge my caffiene needs to the trip I'm taking (none, single, or double shot). They definitely give me the extra punch I need when I need it.

    Andrew Richard


    Locale: The Desert

    The difference that can be made with these are easily noticed, and the flavors are not all that bad, although trying to have one when it's been in the hot AZ sun all afternoon isn't a very pleasant affair. I like the Strawberry-Banana and the Double Expresso (two shots of espresso's worth of caffiene in the gel) gives you a huge slap in the face of energy

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