I finally got around to putting together a short summary of my ride from Awendaw up to Monck's Corner. I still intend to put together the whole section from Awendaw to Columbia but I have a few other adventures ahead of that right now.
Thanks for bringing that trail to my attention. I am always looking for hiking trails that I can do in the shoulder or winter season.
I had a look at the Palmetto Trail website but unfortunately it looks like the trail is far from complete yet. Is it possible to "thruhike" the trail yet by somehow linking together to missing bits?
Christine, you can link the trail together from Awendaw to Columbia. After that you'll have to walk county roads to link the relatively short sections together (not worth it IMO). There hasn't been much progress growing the Palmetto Trail in the past several year, unfortunately.
Thanks, Don, for the quick reply and your opinion. I was afraid that you would say that. But I will keep an eye on the Palmetto Trail in the next years hoping for some progress in trail building.
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