yup. I snagged one of those last week, and they said it was the last one in medium (no larges left). They had a small, but that one might be gone by now. Also, they had the price wrong on the sight. the original price was 110.00 rather than 100.00. still dang cheap at 60% off.
They seem like good people there. Plus, their website is really cool.
Main pack: Gregory Z-Pack
Long trip pack: Gregory Reality
Summer UL Pack: Z-2 from http://www.zpacks.com
Old Summer UL: REI UL 45
Long Dayhike pack or lightweight overnight: Ulitmate Direction Warpspeed
Long water trip: Sealline Boundary Bag a think it is
Water Dayhike: some small waterproof boundary bag
Day trip from a camp: REI Flash UL
But yes, I really did need that Virga, I'm sure it would look great on the "pack wall" of the garage!
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