The photos below were taken during our six-day poke through a sliver of the Weminuche Wilderness Area in Southern Colorado. We entered North of Pagosa Springs at the Williams Creek Trailhead, and spent three days on the divide, east and west of Williams Lake. Mid September (10th-16th) low temperatures hovered around thirty degrees, with daytime highs between forty and sixty. Ideal conditions for a couple of flatlanders, wheezing our way through this ingratiating high country. We had a fantastic trip.
Mosses and succulents in the narrow damp side gullies.
Stunted Spruce? trees in the wet basins flush with cones.
Sunrise at Williams Lake, just off the divide.
Continental Divide Dinnertime Theater.
Afternoon with clouds tails on the CD trail.
Evening cloud dropping into a large bowl, just off the ridge.
A hazy ridge sampler of rain, sleet, snow.Down the trail in snow sleet and hail,then finally,a cleansing rain.
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