
MLD TrailStar Plus?

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  • #1280367
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern Oregon

    From the MLD Facebook site:

    "Prototyping a 25% larger TrailStar this week- maybe calling it the BigStar. With a few minor design tweaks we will also have a cuben version of the TrailStar next month. -No plans for a cuben Big Star.- More info TBA."

    Ceph Lotus
    BPL Member


    Locale: California

    Very interesting. I'm wondering which Cuben thickness will be used? 0.51 and/or 0.74?



    Locale: The Cascades

    I was literally about an hour away from ordering a TrailStar. I'll be waiting now……

    Steven Paris
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pacific Northwest

    I would guess the .74 cuben. It'll be interesting to see what the final weight is.

    Michael G
    BPL Member


    If you read the post it says "No plans for a cuben Big Star".

    BPL Member


    quote Cephalotus: I'm wondering which Cuben thickness will be used? 0.51 and/or 0.74?

    Ron has been clear over the years that 0.74 is his primary cuben fiber of choice.

    And for good reasons when you study reviews such as what Steve Evens (Suluk46) have done to document fraying and ripping on the different weight materials of cuben fiber.

    0.51 is a great weight material (I own multiple tarps using it) but for the long term durability of products that MLD has always been known for, to think MLD would make a 0.51 TrailStar would be highly unlikely.

    Ceph Lotus
    BPL Member


    Locale: California

    I mentioned the 0.51 sq/yd Cuben because that is what Zpacks uses in their tarps, and MLD currently offers the Trailstar Solo in 0.55 sq/yd Cuben & 0.75 sq/yd Cuben. I agree with you though, now that MLD will be offering the Trailstar Shelter in Cuben soon, I think it is better if it is the 0.75 sq/yd Cuben only, for the better durability.

    Tyler Barcelli


    Locale: Southeast

    I can only imagine the space that will be required for this larger Trailstar. The footprint size is what has kept me from ordering a Trailstar. I would like a size in between the Trailstar and the Solo Trailstar

    Adam Kilpatrick
    BPL Member


    Locale: South Australia

    If you are having footprint issues with your large trailstar (or other tarps), no reason why you can't pitch it with small shrubs underneath and/or some light branches carefully tied out of the way so they don't rub using a spare piece or two of guyline. Just be careful to LNT. The only really important bit of footprint is the bit where you sleep, which doesn't change no matter what size your tarp is.

    The upside of pitching in areas with lots of undergrowth/rocks/etc is that you can often find more natural guy line anchors.

    Tent's with floors are of course much harder.

    Be creative ;-)


    Travis Leanna
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wisconsin

    I'm a little surprised that there will be a Cuben version. It's been discussed a few times and its been stated that the stretchiness of silnylon is what helps the Trailstar's pitch and form. I guess Ron worked out the issues with his "design tweaks."



    Locale: The Cascades

    "I'm a little surprised that there will be a Cuben version."

    I'm glad he got the issues worked out. I asked about a cuben version a couple of years ago, and Ron said no at the time because of the necessity of the sil stretching. I'm glad he continued to think about it because I think it is a great shelter, and I'd love one with the weight savings of cuben!

    Justin C
    BPL Member


    Locale: East Coast

    I got a larger trailstar as a prototpye from MLD from their Facebook sale. It is BIG! It weighs about 25.5 oz (with guylines) in silnylon. When I get home I will post a picture of it from a trip that I used it on.

    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern Oregon

    The cuben TrailStar will be made using .74, I have no hint as to the color.

    The new larger TrailStar type shelter will not be available in cuben.

    Diplomatic Mike


    Locale: Under a bush in Scotland

    I really wish Ron would offer a smaller Trailstar. I don't think i'm the only one. I'm not too worried about the footprint. My thinking is a smaller Trailstar for the solo hiker would be even better in high winds?



    Locale: The Cascades

    I guess (only a guess) he feels he has with the Solo Trailstar. If he's had to make the same kinds of tweaks for a regular cuben Trailstar I'll end up with the sil version. Can't wait, though, to see what he's come up with.

    Justin C
    BPL Member


    Locale: East Coast

    This is the prototype that I got a while back.
    Large Trailstar

    I have 2 bivies and lots of gear under it. Sorry its the best picture I have of it.

    Diplomatic Mike


    Locale: Under a bush in Scotland

    The 'Solo Trailstar' isn't the same as a smaller Trailstar with the same geometry as the regular. I wouldn't want to use the 'Solo Trailstar' in a storm.



    Locale: The Cascades

    "The 'Solo Trailstar' isn't the same as a smaller Trailstar with the same geometry as the regular."

    Definitely, which is why I'd go sil if the same compromises were made for the regular Trailstar in cuben. Hoping that's not the case.

    Ron Bell / MLD
    BPL Member


    Locale: USA

    I think folks may be right on the Solo TrailStar name- maybe it would be better called the Cricket Fly and just drop the TrailStar part…hummm.

    A smaller TS would be a bit challenging- note that the reg TS has a baseline of 7'- if that got dropped to say 6' and all panels were the same then the footprint might be too small in all but one direction to lie down in and have lots of coverage. -Too small one way for two and not wide enough the other direction for for one- At least in a few of the more popular pitches.

    It might work – but maybe not so elegant.

    Maybe I could look at a 6.25 baseline or so version to see what it does but he overall weight would not drop much and only one setup would be the rule.

    We'll see how the Big Star and Cuben TS go and maybe next year we can tweak a solo 5 equal sided version true Solo version.

    Cuben version will be in .75 and the same size as the regular TS. A .5 version would not work well IMO- too fragile to the side pulls across the bias for that size and shape shelter.

    Keep the suggestions coming- Thanks!

    William Zila
    BPL Member


    Locale: Albuquerque

    nice response Ron good info

    Eugene Smith
    BPL Member


    Locale: Nuevo Mexico

    The current Trailstar has ample room for 2 adults and gear, the upcoming Supersized Trailstar should fit 3-4 adults I would think yeah? Even battened down in storm mode the current TS allows you to lay out flat without hitting the sidewalls, add snow load and of course that changes quickly.

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