
Help. Son doesnt like packing or hiking

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Home Forums Scouting Backpacking Light with Scouts Help. Son doesnt like packing or hiking

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    James holden
    BPL Member


    lol … then its up to them … as long as theyre happy

    someone has to do those jobs … id be a male ballerina … with all those cute female ones around me ;)

    BPL Member


    It is true that you can't make them like it. You can try and find ways to make the experience more enjoyable for them, but they are who they are.
    At 15 my daughter keeps turning down offers to join me. Now and then I am pushier and she reluctantly comes along, but once we are there she likes it ,for the most part. Once we get back, she has great things to say about our adventures.
    I expect that she will probably choose not to backpack for a few years, partly because I am so into it. Then, down the line, she may come back to it, since she is someone that really sees and enjoys nature down to the small details. Maybe she'll just enjoy nature without having to sleep outdoors. Who knows? She will have some great memories though.

    Greg Bohm


    Locale: SE Michigan

    My son was close in age to your son and didn't like backpacking much either. I almost put a trip to Philmont in joepardy because my son hadn't hit the "he man" stage of puberty yet. Its amazing how quick they go from mild mannered to macho when the hormones hit.

    I'd give it some time and see if he starts to enjoy working out and getting sweaty.

    Jay Wilkerson
    BPL Member


    Locale: East Bay

    Flat out Bribery works in the beginning. My son now hikes for free-He's hooked!

    Adam Kilpatrick
    BPL Member


    Locale: South Australia

    I'm not yet a Dad, but if things go to plan in the next couple of years I might be.

    This thread is great. I'm picking up lots of tips for the future. I can't wait!

    I guess this doesn't help the OP, but before I buy baby clothes, nappies, a cot, I'm getting myself a really sweet baby-carrying rucksack (and also a good bike trailer, but I won't talk about that here lest the thread gets moved to chaff) as soon as my missus is a green light. All those formative years where they look up to me with wonder, my kids are going to be out and about with me I hope.

    I can't wait!

    Jackie Barker


    Well I havent pushed it. Older son wants me to take him and one of his buddies from Scouts back to Savage Gulf first weeken of Nov. Younger I think will go because big brother is going. Looking forward to a great trip. Hopefully will not be too awful cold yet. Welcome anyone who would like to go along.

    Nick Gatel
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern California

    Good for you!

    Maybe let them do most of the planning, and you go along with what they come with if it makes sense. Greater "buy in" if they are putting things together and not you.

    Have a good time.

    Sumi Wada


    Locale: Ann Arbor

    Chiming in late as my son has no interest in Scouts, which leads me to my point. IMO, "Scouts" and hiking/backpacking are pretty different things and just because he doesn't like Scouts doesn't mean he doesn't like hiking/backpacking.

    My son's 13 and has never expressed any interest in Scouts. These days, kids' daily lives are so full of structured activities, between school, music lessons, sports teams, etc. I think my son would totally balk if backpacking turned into another class or group lesson/activity.

    In fact, I think *for us* backpacking is the total antithesis of my impression of a typical scouts trip. For us, it's a quiet family activity, often just the two of us and sometimes our dog. We prefer remote areas, take on challenging routes, we travel light, practice LNT. I don't feel the need to keep my son busy or entertained and my son enjoys the independence.

    We also go on family camping trips where we take a couple of his friends with us. I've noticed that the atmosphere on these trips are VERY different. There is definitely more testosterone in the air. My son really enjoys these trips as well but I think he would be the first one to tell you that it's "different" from backpacking.

    Scott Ireland
    BPL Member


    Locale: Western NY

    The last comment was a bit in line with what I was going to offer…maybe it's Scouts in general he doesn't like? The weekend with your older son and friend, and younger son, might be a good start.

    One other thought that occurred to me is that some kids have a hard time seeing the point of backpacking. As my 16 year old daughter said to me "I don't get why you need to walk out somewhere, camp, and walk back". OK – I kinda get that. So what if you combined the trip with some other lure…canoe camping instead of backpacking? Fishing and backpacking? Peakbagging? Something other than a pure backpacking trip….for many folks that's enough, but for today's always on/entertain me now kids, maybe it isn't enough, and some other draw will help.

    Good luck!



    Locale: The Cascades

    Have you considered trading him in for a sport model? Just sayin'….

    Joe Clement
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southwest

    Only works with women, Doug. Just sayin……….

    BPL Member


    Locale: NorCal - South Bay

    Ask his friends if they want to go. All of the sudden my son thinks it was great. He told me he went for his buddy then couldn't believe he could outhike me… that is right. While I averaged a respectable 3 miles a day on the last day, the were waiting for me for 15-20 minutes every hour. They are 15. Bribary was king on this trip. All you can eat Pizza afterword for them made their day! It was a blast!!! One of the best times with my son I ever had, and all I had to do was find one of his friends who wanted to try it.

    Erik Basil
    BPL Member


    Locale: Atzlan

    Ha ha! Yes, the post-hike food festival, while still grungy and "adventurous" from the trail is crucial and can be a detail that cements in the fun of the whole thing. I can think back and remember burgers, pizza, sandwiches and other meals I gorged on with friends and family after coming off-trail, decades later.

    This weekend, we're doing the Old Salty Rat canoe trip in San Diego, and have (eagerly) acquiesced to our SPL's suggestion that the troop go to In-n-Out burger after the paddle and before we make camp (which we're still doing, of course). The motivation effect on the guys was palpable at the Troop mtg this week. Perhaps, I shall sing the jingle as we paddle into the wind…

    Jackie Barker


    Finally gettin some pics up of our trip to South Cumberland Recreation Area. Collins Gulf & Stagecoah Historic Trail. Had a great time. Very rough trail though. Trail Head Pretty cool spot Ladder bridge Waterfalls On a Suspension Bridge Sawmill Camp Stagecoach Sleeping In
    From trail head to Sawmill Camp. Sleepin in at Sawmill. Post from second day later. Not that good at setting photos up on here.

    Erik Basil
    BPL Member


    Locale: Atzlan

    That's pretty country. I hope the boys came back stoked for more!

    Jackie Barker


    Looking for loops in the smokies. Done the same trip with 2 different groups out of Cosby. Maddron Bald, Snake Den loop. I have most of the Backpacker Mag articles for trips there. Any suggestions here? 20-30 miles. 3-4 days. And yes the older has been asked by his buddies about next trip. Younger one will go with them

    Michael Ray
    BPL Member


    Locale: Midwest

    I'd let the boys plan it. What do they want to see and how hard do they want to hike? There are tons of good loops you could put together. I'd d/l their latest official trail map (to try to avoid reserved sites), and I found this site useful.

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