I asked this in the deals form but thought I might ask here too.
The clymb has a Adventurer SI 2/3 on sale and was wondering if it would be worth getting and using over my POE Ether Thermo 2/3 I currently have? I use the ether thermo for 3 season so was looking for a pad setup to use with a ccf pad in winter. Last winter I used my ether thermo 2/3 pad with my pack and the ccf pad on top of it all and my sit pad between my pack and pad. I just always worried that my pad would get punctured and the ccf would sometimes slide off. I don't put the ccf underneath because I heard its warmer on top of an insulated air mattress since the insulation is ontop.
Anyhow would I benefit by using the adventurer 2/3s OVER my ccf compared to my ether thermo UNDER my ccf? Specs do show it has a higher r value but its also thinner.
Anyhow thanks for your help.