
becoming a complete punter

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Home Forums General Forums Philosophy & Technique becoming a complete punter

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  • #1220510
    larry savage


    Locale: pacific northwest

    I am struggling with posting on the BB for fear of becoming a complete punter.
    I think I have some information to share based on real experience but what I’ve noticed is a thread about beryilium coffee pots appears and some synaptic cleft switches and “typipty type type” I have spilled what little I think I know about the periodic chart of alkaline earth metals spews forth.
    If the rule that 95% of everything is crapola holds true then I really only have 5% worth contributing, the difficulty is winnowing that 5% and resisting the urge to post the smelly stuff.
    The real lesson for me in lightening my wilderness burden is to reverse the trend that Oscar Wilde spoke of, we know the cost of everything and the value of nothing. To simplify what I need to travel the wilderness heightens my experiences exponentially and this will always be about the wilderness experience for me and not the gear. I hope I can reflect this in my future posts.
    Is this the 95% or the 5%?

    paul johnson


    Locale: LazyBoy in my Den - miss the forest

    the 5%, not that i necessarily agree that the other 95% belongs precisely in the category that you place it.

    i happen to read all of your posts and appreciate the humor. but, hey…, that’s just me.

    most of the time, maybe combine both into a single post?

    thanks for posting your concern. i need to go think on it now myself.

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