A bit of a silly question, but I don't want to spend more than I need to:
We purchased our own tarp. Philmont asks crews to bring 150' of rope. I had assumed that it was to be used for guylines for the Philmont tents. Do the tents come with guylines already attached? Do I need to purchase additional rope for the tarp?
The 150' of rope that Philmont requests that you bring is bear rope
used to hang your crew's bear bags. Philmont has cables strung up
at each camp site to throw the rope over. The bear rope needs to be
quite a bit stronger than a guyline.
If you bring your own lightweight tarp — our crew did — then you
also need to bring the cords and hiking poles necessary to set it up.
Philmont suggests 3-50' 1/8" nylon cords. you will use some of these to string lines on the tarp. You will have guy lines on the tents, but need some extra for any repairs and works well for a cloths line. They will issue the crew bear ropes. I don't think that they are going to allow 7/64" amsteel rope in the future for bear ropes. They were making a lot of noise about the small rope damaging the trees it is tied off to last summer. I was told that they were not allowing use by the end of last season. I have not heard anyone comment yet this year after they returned. dave
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