Thought I’d share a little overnight/weekend camp kitchen I was working on last autumn before winter kicked in. (It’s supposed to drop to minus 25F tomorrow morning here in north central Vermont. Very poor weather for alcohol stoves.)
Most of the gear is familiar, the convenience store cups have worked out surprisingly well. I use one for tea, cocoa, and oatmeal, the other for instant soups, etc. They seem to last fine for a day or two and the price is right. I don’t remember where I got the spoon (it just appeared in a drawer) but it’s really light. I only bring the chop sticks if I’m eating noodles; if left at home it saves all of 7g. Yes, I do have a small Bic tucked away too. You could complicate the kitchen with a cozy but the caps and jackets keep things warm for the minute or two it takes to warm soup. Everything fits into the nifty stuff sack I made from an old Hawaiian shirt except the cups: I nest them with their caps and java jackets and slide them into one of the side mesh pockets of my pack. So far so good but I wouldn’t want to do a real lot of bushwhacking….
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