Not sure if anyone would be interested, but I just wrote up two of three posts on my blog about my summer hiking in the Japan Alps this summer. Hope they are a nice read.
I know it’s been a while since your post, but since then I have read your 3 summer reports and skimmed/skipped through 3 years of your life. While not much of a blogger myself, I thoroughly enjoy what you have to say and how you write it.
Keep writing and keep shooting, your blog has a place in my bookmarks.
Elliot, thanks so very much. I, and I guess a lot of other bloggers, always struggle with the question over whether it is worth writing blogs and why exactly anyone might do it. So it is reassuring and encouraging to receive a reaction like yours. I hope I can do a lot more of my best writing in the blog, especially about the mountains and being outdoors, where I am always happiest.
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